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About rob.i

  • Rank
    Extreme Hunter
  • Birthday 01/01/2008

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Black Pudding Country
  1. modt immigrants have just left one third world country why would they want to .... Ah no its to easy lol no on you go mate,if you want to compare shitholes between scotland and england ill debate it lol ive been to oldham lol You are lucky having just been to Oldham I worked sub contracting to the Council in the 70s AND 80s what a firkin eye opener ,an experience I never want to repeat
  2. Theres always been "Demon Dogs " Alsations ,Dobermans ,Rotties now its the Bull terrier types turn and those massive foreign dogs .Some of these dogs are not even allowed on camping or caravanning sites it just shows how the fear has been put into the general public by ignorant people who dont know any better or are just after another news story I aint saying there arent dogs that are loonies just not quite the amount the media make out .My only dealing with Bull types are through my brother who used to have an old english bull and friends who have had staffies for years they never had any tr
  3. Yep and boy do them fickers make a mess
  4. Put a coat on it by all means but make sure the first coat of varnish is dry before you put the second coat on
  5. Which usually means feck all
  6. i hope its a wind up but it wouldnt surprise me if it is real, it was sent from a good source who used to be high up on the councils Is he a roofer Burst out laughing at that one He may have been a Brickie pointing the chimney
  7. What you really mean is youre not sure and your mates could be right
  8. rob.i


    Not so much as emigrate but would like to move to the North West coast of Scotland around Ullapool or further North to get away from the urban sprawl
  9. Bloody hell Stabba aint heard it called Togger since I were a nipper .With the money them feckers are on it should be that score every week
  10. Just heard on the news the Police have ruled out fowl play
  11. rob.i


    Phone the Grandkids and get the sledges out
  12. rob.i


    Earthmover this is a long shot, but youre not Clints English teacher are you
  13. i think i'll break a leg and lay ootside his door PMSL :laugh:
  14. rob.i


    Pity the horse did,nt trample the fecker
  15. Good on em always better to do a good favour than a bad un Just shows not everyone is selfish
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