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Everything posted by mush

  1. you said over here ( UK ) which is why i remember, but hay whatever.
  2. I know you haven't had purebreds that long but you know as well as i do whos peddling salukis and if you don't you only have to look on some of the sites that people sell their dogs on to see who they are. A Peddler to me is someone who breeds just for money and not to carry on a line out off a seasoned dog or bitch and the money side of it don't mater to them.
  3. why? are you saying you didn't say that? you had the same pictures up of your old saluki. As you know we don't have the old posts any more since the forum changed or i would show you :)it may even have been on another forum but it was you for sure .
  4. it wasn't that long ago you was saying salukis are no good for running over here. funny how the price goes up on them and every one wants one cant wait till the price comes down and all the peddlers stop keeping salukis.
  5. Salukis have been bred for thousands of years as hunting dogs same way we hunt with our lurchers not just point and slip, because of this most salukis are very good at hunting up if you let them and even on the slip will if you know the signs let you know if there is any game around.
  6. whats the pedigree of the pup, names of parents, grandparents, great-grandparents etc thanks
  7. Thanks i do chartpolski I've had deerhound x greyhounds their rubbish way to big and clumsy 3/4 greyhound 1/4 deerhound are a lot better if their not to big, but their not top hare or rabbit dogs same goes for a 1/4 bull, but a 1/4 bull is going to do other stuff a lot better than a 1/4 deerhound so i would say the bull is the better all-rounder.
  8. If a car gets stolen it don't matter if its sold on to some one else it still belongs to the first owner cant see how this can be any different. to the warrener
  9. have a big clumsy Deerhound cross for rabbits and hares
  10. You should have another poll to see who of the ones that have answered have ever inbred or line-bred, i would say most of the ones saying no have never done it.
  11. nice dog mate! where did you get that collar from pal? yeah mate,where you get that collar i f*****g loves it i do its a shit collar (greyhound) got it from the pet shop got to much give in it when your trying to get her off but I'm to tight to pay for anther LOL
  12. nice looking dog mate have you got any pics of it standing
  13. This is how i run my dogs, no tearing up the road . For a start I always have them running behind ( 10-15 MPH and their TRAINED to stay behind) as I've heard of to many getting killed or injured running in front. I run them at night so i can see cars coming In lanes mostly just wide enough for my van, and have the doors open so i can see the dogs running by the light of the hazards with something called mirrors ( so I'm looking ahead all the time),And if they stop I know and can also stop, the doors are also open so if a car comes they can jump in ( so no their not going to get knocked over
  14. just need a picture of you running behind
  15. trouble with running them fit is when the dogs had enough you cant just stop, you have to wait till what ever the dogs chasing gets caught or gets away, by that time the damage to mind or body may have been done.
  16. its OK to kill people but not a badger, the worlds upside down
  17. good way to knock them over , mine run behind with the doors open when i stop they jump in the back whats the point in letting the dog set the pace your trying to get them fit not taking them out for walkies.
  18. Not lazy its a decent way of getting a dog fit IMO. Maybe the man was to busy to spend luxurious hours walking through feilds with the dog? i believe in doing whats best for a dog and if i couldnt do what i thinks best i wouldnt have a dog, also before getting a lurcher people should consider the commitment they have to give. my honest opionion is each to there own but walking dogs along side a car on a road isnt for me but more for lasy people Best way to get a dog fully fit, would love you to tell me how walking gets your dogs fit, five miles walk would be to my dogs like letting
  19. I coursed with them, but the number of hares was going down every year.
  20. cant see it being down to creatine as one of the top greyhound foods has it in it, even the pigeon racers use it so if it don't kill a bird its not going to kill a dog. Over running the dog will no matter how good it looks. Some of the lurcher racers use steroids, so if they would for a plastic trophy some one running for money is going to.
  21. Funny how he didn't jump all over you like he did with another poster when you put a picture up of a feathered first cross but riohog is wright you dont get them or black and tan never thought about it but if you cant get black and tan greyhounds you wont get a first cross saluki greyhound of that colour as both parents have to have it in their genes to get the colour as its a recessive colour i think
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