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Everything posted by mush

  1. a lot think the same as you , Some of its down to that some aren't suited to training salukis, but i think a lot of what you have said is down to using any old saluki dog to breed from( not saying you have LOL), I was always told to breed from the best you can and not just because its near or the only one you know of.
  2. Funny how he didn't jump all over you like he did with another poster when you put a picture up of a feathered first cross but riohog is wright you dont get them
  3. we have gone over this before you repeating your self over and over again don't make it fact, if we was talking about the match dogs run on the fens and what did what and their breeding you would talk me under the table I'm sure, but not on salukis. Ive seen plenty of salukis bred from k/P lines run and a hell of a lot of other salukis run from many different lines, and their not the fastest by a long way there have been good fast salukis bred off the strain and there will be again but with the number bred of the line each year there should be one or two good ones, but there is more rubbish.
  4. i can make no comment about ..cyrus sattarzadeh as i have never been involved with him or met him .the kennels are totaly two seperate entertise ...no conection at all I put the links up so every one could have a look at their salukis don't mater if they race them if their of hunting stock. I think anyone can see they are two separate kennels, The connection is their brothers and I'm sure they have had the same dogs in some of their breeding, may be wrong I'm sure you will tell me
  5. I know, think his brother and sisters raced to, that wasn't the point stand near a racing dog thats been trained to rag besides the noise you may get to feel the point as it latches on to your arse . Its all down to how you bring them up, I like them to behave when i go out but then every ones difrent
  6. The two brothers web sites http://www.iran-saluki.de/ http://www.voniransamin.de/dfs.htm
  7. wind your head back in i was talking about Cyrus and Iraj Sattarzadeh racing not you. So how long have you had salukis for? not talking crosses.
  8. Looks like their being trained for the track like you would whippets as thats what the two brothers keep them for. Wouldn't want mine rag mad as their a pain to work especially with other dogs, never had a saluki that need training to catch live stuff and they love large game.
  9. first hunting dog i had was a 3/4 Collie, had a nose better than a foxhound if there was anything around she would find it and thats about the only good thing i could think of to say about her. If you slipped her on a rabbit that would be the last you would see of her until there was nothing to run you could hear when she found something fields away as she also bayed like a foxhound, we would just leave her as she would catch up after a mile or two head down following are trail on a run she was way to slow for rabbits, think she must of only ever ha 2-3 rabbits on the run.
  10. You would need to get the right type of saluki as there are many types from many countries used to to hunt different animals, Ive seen videos of them hunting wolves. so i would say yes to your question.
  11. they have been breed by a lot of people they have a bit of the same blood lines as the rest of the salukis in the UK but with as much desert bred blood that could be put in and have had it added by a number of breeders with no kennel names. but if you want to no what kennel names are in the pedigree have a look http://pawvillage.com/pedigree/pedigree.asp?ID=5YGY7J6LBG lol sediki and tepegawra ,,same as khan /kizzy pharoh .....white ! or cream ? its not the breeding behind the kizzy pharoh its the way they have been breed from since, inbred over and over. In some of the pedig
  12. I've done the same as you are in the middle of doing, why do you think your the only one or the first.
  13. had a quick look at immune disorders and they don't seem to no what the mane causes of it is, seems to be a number of reasons for it. some breeds get it more than others seems to be the popular breeds that are bred a lot. only read about tests for it after they already have it even if its not showed yet.
  14. they have been breed by a lot of people they have a bit of the same blood lines as the rest of the salukis in the UK but with as much desert bred blood that could be put in and have had it added by a number of breeders with no kennel names. but if you want to no what kennel names are in the pedigree have a look http://pawvillage.com/pedigree/pedigree.asp?ID=5YGY7J6LBG
  15. spot on smoggy but the problems I've said about were over 15 years ago in the breeding and people just put any of the ones that showed the faults down and still kepted breeding. If they can be tested for all the faults they have and a lot of fresh blood put in great, but fresh blood is need in all the salukis in the UK not just the K & P bred ones but they must be the most inbred here.
  16. Like i said i have seen what i have said in other post, i don't talk for anyone else I'm no puppet for no one, No one has pulled me up on anything on another site. I don't give a dame about khan besides the fact that i feel sorry for the dog being passed around and used to make money. From what the breeder said on the other site he got rid of him because 'khan wasn't good enough too steady stay forever' and there the breeders words not mine. he did say the sisters were good tho, has he done any running since no, so people are breeding off a dog who wasn't any good just because he has a well
  17. one with a lot of desert bred blood in it
  18. Brookie dont know what your going on about with the politician stuff just going one what ive seen with my own two eyes. Whos stock are you talking about? and whos the certain quarters ? if i had a young dog i would run for the fun of it and it wouldnt be the fens i would want to run on. anyway i don't have a young dog and until i can get a good Desert bred bitch to run and and later breed to my dog i wont.
  19. Don't know about the auto immune trouble in the kizzy /pharoh line but i did have one die of something else but as i didn't have a autopsy done on the dog, he blow up like a balloon ( maybe it was autoimmune) i could only go on what the vet said it was. but i have seen the trouble with the legs before like i said in anther post, and undershot jaws, very bad temperaments which is why i don't keep that line anymore.
  20. true mate but not a recessive fault.
  21. who told you there is a test for every genetic fault, if it was that easy there would be a lot fewer kids born with all sorts of things wrong with them, never mind dogs.
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