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Everything posted by IshotRogerRabbit

  1. Gd post above. It's very true that salmon don't eat when coming back into fresh water from the salt. It's not so much that they don't eat, they can't, or to be more specific, they can't digest food because of the physiological changes they went through as smolts going to sea. Food has been found in the stomach of adult salmon when back in fresh water but it is usually undigested. There are many theories as to why salmon will take our flies and lures. They are quite aggressive creatures, even more so come mating time, usually around late Nov through Dec and into Jan. Running fish are wide
  2. She's still a wee Goerdie rogue and no amount of glitz and glam will change that! Did she not get the boot from American X Factor because of her accent? No offence to any Geordies ;-)
  3. That bitch in the 2nd pic is stunning. What X is she? Good on ye with the pup ;-)
  4. Fed mine salmon heads and tails and mackerel for years and they love it. Good protein and oils
  5. Nice shooting mate and nice rifle. Which peeps are you all using in your HW's? IsRR
  6. Hi all. Noo guy looking forward to reading all your hunting, shooting and fishing exploits...and sharing some myself. IsRR ;-)
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