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Free tidy up

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Ok lads i was brought up in this built up area with a dene and burn running between 2 estates .it was my play ground where i spent every spare minute nesting  and being a typical lad making dams etc   at the moment its fell into disrepair with plastic bottles (bongs) fridges bags of clothing etc dumped on a regular basis  .me and a couple of lads have offered to tidy the place up  free of charge in our own time  but have been told any rubbish we accumalate will be classed as fly tipping!   We are going to go ahead regardless and hopefully they see common sense   .if they dont then local papers will be informed

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Looking a bit better lads

Ok lads i was brought up in this built up area with a dene and burn running between 2 estates .it was my play ground where i spent every spare minute nesting  and being a typical lad making dams etc 

People can now walk side by side along this path we cleared back 

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10 minutes ago, ftm said:

Ok lads i was brought up in this built up area with a dene and burn running between 2 estates .it was my play ground where i spent every spare minute nesting  and being a typical lad making dams etc   at the moment its fell into disrepair with plastic bottles (bongs) fridges bags of clothing etc dumped on a regular basis  .me and a couple of lads have offered to tidy the place up  free of charge in our own time  but have been told any rubbish we accumalate will be classed as fly tipping!   We are going to go ahead regardless and hopefully they see common sense   .if they dont then local papers will be informed

Good on you fella, if the local council won't get behind you and take away what you clear up then use the Internet and local media to shame the jobsworth tosspots, 

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2 minutes ago, ftm said:

 The wild life officer said im hurting the trees when screwing bird boxes and feeders to the trees lol

So much for the big society that Cameron was always spouting on about, if that's his best argument just use cable ties, my local nature reserve has just ripped out a massive hedge that housed deer,rabbits and even the odd hare and replaced it with a fence also cleared a massive 15ft wide path through the bush,s to get to a there hide, it's quite terrifying that these dipshits have been appointed as guardians of land that's thrived without them for decades, 

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You would think any one with half a brain in the council would get on board with a project that benefits both the local community and wildlife , what would it cost to provide a skip or send a grab lorry down to pick up the shite that under any circumstance they will in the end be liable to clear .....suppose finding someone with half a brain is the stumbling block ...I suppose it’s easier to prosecute someone for doing good than actually getting involved ....

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8 hours ago, sussex said:

You would think any one with half a brain in the council would get on board with a project that benefits both the local community and wildlife , what would it cost to provide a skip or send a grab lorry down to pick up the shite that under any circumstance they will in the end be liable to clear .....suppose finding someone with half a brain is the stumbling block ...I suppose it’s easier to prosecute someone for doing good than actually getting involved ....

done this sort of thing behind the flats where I live, from bitter experience I can tell you the only tawt from the local council with a brain cell will be the one trying to figure out how to charge you something out of it, best bet is go direct to the press and drum up public support, shame the b*****ds into not being so obstructive to people trying to improve their area`s

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16 hours ago, ftm said:

Ok lads i was brought up in this built up area with a dene and burn running between 2 estates .it was my play ground where i spent every spare minute nesting  and being a typical lad making dams etc   at the moment its fell into disrepair with plastic bottles (bongs) fridges bags of clothing etc dumped on a regular basis  .me and a couple of lads have offered to tidy the place up  free of charge in our own time  but have been told any rubbish we accumalate will be classed as fly tipping!   We are going to go ahead regardless and hopefully they see common sense   .if they dont then local papers will be informed

What you propose is great but you are going about it In the wrong way. Instead of going off half cocked and just going to it, think this through. You are deàling with an authority that has responsibilities in law. What you propose is great but it is the same thing as going to someone's junky garden with a skip lorry and clearing awày all of their junk without getting their permission. BEFORE  you start going and getting yourself In  bother do some research. And the first thing that I would do is go down añd fix the bird boxes with cable ties or something other than screws, especially if you used screws which are copper or brass / plated before they kill the trees. What you intend to do is very good but go about it the right way. There are a lot of aspects to consider. And it doesn't look like you've  even considered anything other than just goIng at it. It is very public spirited, but it àint your ground.

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 saying i /we haven't went about it in the correct way? we have approached the council and met them on site and showed them our vision /proposal and there  lack of enthusiasm was shocking -money is the big issue but surely a few skips isn't a lot to ask for [they waste a hell of a lot more on other things]  but putting a screw in a tree isn't going to kill it  there are 6 inch nails in some of the trees from 30yrs back where lads used them to climb up trees for eggs and the trees are absolutely fine [beech sycamore oak ] most of the dene is hawthorns and elders that have seen better days with limbs snapped and blocking the burns flow  and my daughter has just broken her foot  after tripping over a branch over path [not in same area] these paths are lethal with large briars and dog wood growing across them  we thought we could shame them into action  but we should of known better lol ps    meece are you one of the local councillors ? lol

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1 hour ago, Meece said:

What you propose is great but you are going about it In the wrong way. Instead of going off half cocked and just going to it, think this through. You are deàling with an authority that has responsibilities in law. What you propose is great but it is the same thing as going to someone's junky garden with a skip lorry and clearing awày all of their junk without getting their permission. BEFORE  you start going and getting yourself In  bother do some research. And the first thing that I would do is go down añd fix the bird boxes with cable ties or something other than screws, especially if you used screws which are copper or brass / plated before they kill the trees. What you intend to do is very good but go about it the right way. There are a lot of aspects to consider. And it doesn't look like you've  even considered anything other than just goIng at it. It is very public spirited, but it àint your ground.

If he,s a council tax payer the land belongs as much to him as anyone else in his community including the council and if he,s the only one willing to do something then f**k the others, if we all followed the rules laid down by government we would go to work pay tax spend all are wages in supermarkets and die, sometimes someone has to use there own decision making skills and take matters into there own hands or we would still be living in medieval times, your posts are normally well thought through and offer   Sound advice, but sometimes direct action is the only way forward and I think this case is one of those, if I lived closer to ftm I,d be along to help out good on him and good luck to him 

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