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Squirrel(S) In The Loft.

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I heard one running round in the loft the other night, We have a huge number of squirrels in the area and they are getting in under the eaves I imagine.


What's the best way to deal with it or them? Live trap, fenn trap, shoot them or is there some sort of sonic repellent that works?

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I'd probably put a couple of Fenns in the loft near to where they're coming in and, depending on the situation/proximity of the neighbours, put a feeder where it can't be seen and shoot a few as discreetly as possible.


Good luck.

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I heard one running round in the loft the other night, We have a huge number of squirrels in the area and they are getting in under the eaves I imagine.


What's the best way to deal with it or them? Live trap, fenn trap, shoot them or is there some sort of sonic repellent that works?


A brace of Kanias , set back to back,.are a beautiful way to exterminate the bushy tails,...mind you,..they ain't cheap,...so ya gotta be a serious player....

Failing that, get yourself a cage trap or a Fenn,...they will both feck the grey up,.and I do mean, proper fecked... :yes:


However,...,.the Kania really is the favorite...it rarely misses its target,.....it kills quick and has ,...endless patience... :thumbs:

Edited by Phil Lloyd
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Forget about the sonic devices, they dont work imo. Squirrel are relatively easy to catch so throw every trap you have at it (trap both the loft and the garden if they feed or are seen regularly there)as in a loft they are a major hazard. Bait with monkey nuts and chunks of corn on the cob. And as a post above, id defo shoot as many as you can on the quiet.

Good luck!!

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And while im there sit in garden and watch them to work out where they are getting in and then proof the hole. If they are climbing up overhanging branches, lop them.

Never try and proof squirrel entry points until you are sure they are gone, they will only make a new one or pull the proofing off.

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