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Recently Moved House / Gun Cabinet Query

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Hi all smile.gif

I have recently moved to Norfolk into a bungalow, and my .22 rimfire and shotgun are currently in storage at the local gun shop. I was just wondering what the rules are regarding gun cabinet placement. The problem I have is, until now, I have always put my gun cabinets under the stairs hidden away bolted to an outside wall. Where as now, in a bungalow, there is no under the stairs at all.

My other half is also none to keen in having a metal cabinet stuck in one of our 2 recently decorated bedrooms, and to be honest, there is not really any room for it anyway.

My query is, would I be allowed to bolt the gun cabinet in my outside garage which is brick built and literally next to my house? Possibly with an alarm fitted for added security. Any advice on this query will be greatly appreciated,

John :hmm:

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damp would worry me storing them in a garage,personally i would have the divorce papers ready whilst bolting it to which ever wall i wanted :thumbs: .if you do go down the garage route i would fit a smaller ammo safe through the back of a wardrobe or similar to keep the bolts /ammo separate to rifles.then the garage would be alarmed and have pressure steps that fired poiseness darts and released large rolling boulders .but i'm a tad paranoid about security.


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They like it fixed to an inside solid wall , notice the like , just phone up Wymondham police station where the firearms team are , I always find them really helpful.


Welcome to Norfolk , i'm now about to re-locate to scotland ,,, can't wait..

Edited by Rowan
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Some FEOs are funny about garages and lofts. I know a couple of people with their cabinets in a garage but i also know people who weren't allowed to put them there. Lofts can be a sticking point too as some FEOs assume you aren't going to be bothered going up to the loft late at night to put your gun away and might leave your gun out till morning.


As said, best ask your firearms team. At the very least it will save you having to move the cabinet if they don't like it.

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Do what I done,fix it to wall and then build a nice MDF cupboard around it and give it a coat of paint.wife won't even know its there after a while,could even buy her nice vase and flowers to sit on top?


This ^^^ its the way forward ;)

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