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Driving Fields

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i give it a thumbs down... dog men talk of testing the dog.. well as far as i see it you chase the rabbit/hare/fox down then throw the dog out the window at 20+ mph   not very sporting is it if th

Driving around a field slipping dogs on quarry is in no way hunting or any test for a decent dog ... It's just s way of bad dog men to brag that they have big numbers and bluff themselves that they ha

not with dog, gun or a 4x4.. maybe a field or two across from were i am ment to be (longnet)....   i know farmers that would trench the field if people started on there with 4x4.. i have already bee





Have you seen the helicopter video footage of lads from your area? here it is :victory:





this is exactly why some farmers wont entertain dog men...




Good and bad in all walks of life I suppose.




this is true but you only ever hear of the bad stuff.. theres nobody giving out praise showing what good a dogman can do or the fact by giving a nice chap a bit of permision you also have eyes in your fireld while you the farmer sleeps

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its animal vs animal for me,fair game.not scooby vs animal.might get more gear driving but im not a numbers man,1,4,8,10 etc im happy.a guy told me the other day he had 500pigeon in 2hrs......and he didnt pick em all up.....ffs

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prefer driving the crop fields this time of year because its always exciting wondering whats going to run out of the last strip of maize,wheat,barley etc.......but remember start from the out side - in so the last bit in the middle makes it easier for the dogs......... :thumbs:

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prefer driving the crop fields this time of year because its always exciting wondering whats going to run out of the last strip of maize,wheat,barley etc.......but remember start from the out side - in so the last bit in the middle makes it easier for the dogs......... :thumbs:

crop circles finally explained :laugh::laugh:

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That clip alway's makes my blood get to boiling point instantly..


Yes its an excellent bit of footage for the anti's :blink:

Yes I av seen it and I know the lads well tbh but it's the risk you take when out even when walking the land
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That footage is just about as poor as it gets. Dogs anit got enough wind too blow a candle out ffs....!! BUT then again if thats the mentality bet the dogs anit fit/conditioned.


This is where alot of people get fooled and think thats what EVERYONE does that drives the land. I can asure you it anit

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Driving around a field slipping dogs on quarry is in no way hunting or any test for a decent dog ... It's just s way of bad dog men to brag that they have big numbers and bluff themselves that they have good dogs ... Take the vehicle away from them and will make them and their dogs looks very average ... If you want to hunt then get out of the truck and learn some field craft by walking the ground ..... tell the dogs that when their on their 4th buck or 5th fox that you would e pushed to put in front of them walking :laugh:


Tell the dogs that when their on their 5/6th fox or 4th buck that you wouldn't put in front of them walking , I like a walk but to say driving is no way hunting is a wee bit silly

I can put that and more in front of my dog walking .......

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