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I have a open ticket on two FAC air , 22lr and 17 HMR  , when I first had my license in 2018 . So when I come to renew in 2 years time , does that mean in theory my license would be open for Centre fire or not ?

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45 minutes ago, KimE said:

British gun rules are so interesting waiting for five years to get a centerfire. In Sweden you are assumed to have a need of four rifles/shotguns the same day you take your hunting examina.

We don’t need to wait five years to have a CF , all depends on your circumstances 

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I got mine just for HMR & closed/restricted. Told after 5yr it'll be open, they might consider after 3 if I have "evidence/diary" of my shooting trips (?) 1yr later I apply for .204CF they say can't clear me for .204 but they can open licence up so I get get my .204 that way. She also said (calm down ian) "if you find the 204 a bit of an oddity I can recommend the .223!" 


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I’m the same as FH, always had an open ticket and if I’ve got room for it, I can have it, firearms around this way are really good to deal with, my mate is 10 minutes down the road a comes under another force and they can wait months for variations and renewals 

If you go for a deer legal calibre then an open ticket could be deemed necessary if you would maybe pay for deer stalking in the future, likewise, if you have a few places that you would shoot a CF this would also go in your favour for an open ticket 

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6 hours ago, BenBhoy said:

I got mine just for HMR & closed/restricted. Told after 5yr it'll be open, they might consider after 3 if I have "evidence/diary" of my shooting trips (?) 1yr later I apply for .204CF they say can't clear me for .204 but they can open licence up so I get get my .204 that way. She also said (calm down ian) "if you find the 204 a bit of an oddity I can recommend the .223!"

So you could own a .223 but not a .204 buildt on the same case? So if you decide to shoot deer you must do it before you can have the proper rifle for it?

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17 minutes ago, KimE said:

So you could own a .223 but not a .204 buildt on the same case? So if you decide to shoot deer you must do it before you can have the proper rifle for it?

No mate, she was saying now I've got the 204, if I don't like it then she saying she likes 223. 

I won't be shooting deer until I have a suitable calibre ?

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13 hours ago, BenBhoy said:

I got mine just for HMR & closed/restricted. Told after 5yr it'll be open, they might consider after 3 if I have "evidence/diary" of my shooting trips (?) 1yr later I apply for .204CF they say can't clear me for .204 but they can open licence up so I get get my .204 that way. She also said (calm down ian) "if you find the 204 a bit of an oddity I can recommend the .223!" 


That's just bs and the same rubbish some other areas used to pull. If you have licensing cover you could seek advaice on taking them to Court. There's absolutely no basis for refusing you a CF for a period of time. Licences are supposed to be granted on need, ie good reason, not the passage of time. It should depend on what the land is suitable for, the type of prey to be shot and the distances you need to be able to shoot them at. As for open licences, they're supposed to be granted on need also, although in absence of need, experience does often play apart. That said if you have a need, it should be granted, maybe with a mentoring condition.

Some friends of mine got CF licenses, open at 1st grant because they deer stalk in Scotland, albeit with a mentor condition attached. I've heard of others getting it where they get frequent invitations to shoot from others making tying the licence soley to a single piece of land impossible. 

The whole idea you can only have a rf at 1st grant for the 1st year and then a CF but not certain calibres after a year, then no open ticket for 5 yrs is rubbish.

Interstingly the area where my friends had their certificate granted at 1st grant, used to have the same policy. RF only at 1st grant and no CF until 5 years experience. I believe it was only after the Head of Firearms left after some kind of investigation that it all changed to a more open and policy based system under a new head. There's no evidence whatsoever that I'm aware of any increased risk or incidents as a result of the new policy.

But this is the trouble with guidelines, they're exactly that and with no penalties, and Licensing cases being so expensive most can't afford them, forces can pretty much do what they want.

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9 hours ago, BenBhoy said:

No mate, she was saying now I've got the 204, if I don't like it then she saying she likes 223. 

I won't be shooting deer until I have a suitable calibre ?

Ok now I understand it. .223 are suitable for the smaller species of deer. Is the .204 (strangely the 204 are not allowed for fox or hare in Sweden, but the 222r are legal for roedeer and Lynx) the biggest caliber you have?

Edited by KimE
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On 23/04/2021 at 15:49, BenBhoy said:

I got mine just for HMR & closed/restricted. Told after 5yr it'll be open, they might consider after 3 if I have "evidence/diary" of my shooting trips (?) 1yr later I apply for .204CF they say can't clear me for .204 but they can open licence up so I get get my .204 that way. She also said (calm down ian) "if you find the 204 a bit of an oddity I can recommend the .223!" 


That just goes to show that the feo's know absolutely f*** all. It is the only job that you can get away with being pig ignorant of the subject you are meant to have at least a working knowledge of.

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