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Brexit Thread Redux

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I genuinely think it’s more simple than that mate, almost to a man none of them want to leave this massive and very lucrative club for people just like themselves and they have found the way to f**k o

All this could have been avoided, if the EU had had the brains to throw that prick Cameron a bone when he was asking for a different deal for the UK, there never would have been a referendum. The

I had a conversation in the week with a bloke I do business with. He phones up sounding like he is going to be shot at dawn and tells me that another associate has taken over a dealership so now

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4 minutes ago, maxhardcore said:

The Powers that be have manipulated folk re the press 'tv ' internet ect ect to Demonise Brexit to force a second referendum knowing if we go to the polls a second time they get to remain and keep their snouts in the Euro trough.

We no longer live in anything remotely close to a democracy.

We ask corrupt as any North Korea' South American Country' Afghanistan ' Zimbabwe ect ect ect


Fool mr once shame on you.

Fool me twice shame on me ?

Shocking that Farage has joined in manipulating the public to try to force a second referendum isn't it? :no:

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It’s truly amazing that you never hear or read anything positive on Brexit.

Over here it’s terrible, they just can’t fathom how a country will be able to stand on its own two feet and survive without a hand out.

They even have programmes on the telly about it......all saying how nuts the British are !!

They seem very bitter about it here. 

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1 hour ago, WILF said:

It’s truly amazing that you never hear or read anything positive on Brexit.

Over here it’s terrible, they just can’t fathom how a country will be able to stand on its own two feet and survive without a hand out.

They even have programmes on the telly about it......all saying how nuts the British are !!

They seem very bitter about it here. 

I fell out with a few Irish mates over this. Their argument is the same. The border and returning to the troubles!

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They say that, but it’s bollocks.....they are shitting it because the UK is such a good customer.

The troubles is easy really, just stop killing each other ya dense c**ts! Lol 

Edited by WILF
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Well everything they warned us about Brexit before the referendum hasn't happened so I don't assume any other of these doom and gloom stories will come to anything. The only thing they didn't warn us about was this incessant undemocratic whining I've heard every day since. 

Are these countries just worried their handouts might get smaller without the UK piling pound after senseless pound into a fund we get very little out of?

Well guess what? We aren't leaving to suit anyone else and their agenda.

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On 11/01/2018 at 18:00, Lenmcharristar said:

lol no way, its done and should be out but I cant believe how spineless the uk gov is.  on the radio today there was a talk show saying that the dramatic reduction theres been in mod recruits, that the sergeants were shouting bullies and the kids/recruits are so easily offended these days that its alarming.  theres another lefty brainwash.

A while back , there was a card system in place , meaning that a recruit could yellow and red card an instructor . 

So if a recruit dropped a rifle on the range or did the wrong drill on a lesson and the instructor got carried away , he could pull out a yellow card meaning it stopped immediately and the instructor walked away then came back. 

If a red card came out , the recruit went up the chain of command to thevyroop commander, not the instructor . 

Ridiculous , they didn’t want told off so just pulled cards out constantly . 

A far cry from having your bed space thrown out of the window in the rain or a dig in the back of the helmet. 

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14 hours ago, walshie said:

Well everything they warned us about Brexit before the referendum hasn't happened


Has Brexit happened yet? I don't think anyone knows what will happen when the sh*t hits the fan because they're delaying turning the fan on as long as possible?

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I had a conversation in the week with a bloke I do business with.

He phones up sounding like he is going to be shot at dawn and tells me that another associate has taken over a dealership so now he is worried that this bloke is a competitor.

I really don’t see it like that because being in business most of my adult life you learn to look for the opportunity in every situation.....because there always is one.

So I tell my friend to get on the phone to the bloke right away, congratulate him and ask him to keep us in mind for all of the side of the business that his dealership wouldn’t normally handle.

Two hours later I get a call, we will get all of the stuff they dont handle and what’s more we will have access to their product as an agent.

Its win/win and that is how business go’s if you look for the angles.......so that’s why I know all of this talk about “the disaster” of Brexit is utter, utter nonsense.

It has the potential to be a new dawn for those who want to get up and see it ! 

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Just to add, Brexit is a disaster in some ways......it’s a disaster for all those who want and beleive that free people should be in the debt wheel living a subsidised life where big governments control every second of your life.

For those with a bit of gumption, a bit of Dunkirk spirit who want to build something better it’s a glittering opportunity.

But be careful, the Torys and every other government are working very hard to take that opportunity away and keep their grip on power ;)

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