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Election Time..????

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Tories about to drop the "no raising taxes" pledge?.........at this rate, BGD will be becoming a fully paid up member of those new socialist elite ;)

If you're lucky I'll only send you to the gulag :D
I think you would probably look rather dashing with a blue rosette old chap.


I have said to you from the start I like Corbyn, can't stand his politics, but I could see he was unashamedly old labour despite what all the "professional" politicians and their advisers wanted......and fair play, he has survived despite every knife being out for him.

At least he seem honest about it, which is more than can be said for about 600 odd others

I don't think anyone would deny he's a tough old boy, ever since it first looked like he had a chance in the leadership election he's been absolutely savaged by the press and his own party and he's never even looked like cracking, if there's one thing you can be sure of it's that he'll stand his ground to the bitter end ;)

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its a chance she going to take, there is little point in trying to plan a future with them lot sniping away in the background, lets see where we all stand on a national scale, then we can maybe move o

I'm thinking Conservative - even though May voted remain, at least she had the balls to stand up and give the electorate what they voted for, after her predecessor chucked his toys on the floor and wa

For me it's all about who I hate least at the moment I hate may and the Tories less than I hate the whingeing failed student minded left

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I will be fekin glad when its all over and done with nothing will change for me only paying out more in bills and tax.Nobody at work as even botherd talking about it and tbh i think it could be the lowest turn out in history though its early days so letts waite and see.

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I will be fekin glad when its all over and done with nothing will change for me only paying out more in bills and tax.Nobody at work as even botherd talking about it and tbh i think it could be the lowest turn out in history though its early days so letts waite and see.

I think it's a sad reflection of how the country has gone down the khazi when I read a post like this.......and what's more, I know exactly how you feel mate.

I am a proud Englishman, always will be, but I said terrible thing to my wife the other day......we were talking about a few bits and I told her I am never going back to England to live......ever !

I wouldn't go back if you paid me for anything other than a visit, the level of abuse suffered by ordinary blokes at the hands of f***ing beauracrats is terrible.

And they just get served up shit in return for all the money extorted out of them.........its become a cancer and a whole generation have been in that hamster wheel so long they think it's f***ing normal !!


My advice would be mate, if you ever had the chance, get out.......get out as far as you can because life don't have to be that way ;)

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Tories about to drop the "no raising taxes" pledge?.........at this rate, BGD will be becoming a fully paid up member of those new socialist elite ;)

If you're lucky I'll only send you to the gulag :D



No offence but you commies aren't going to see power for another 15+ years


Fear the helicopter :laugh:

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How's corbyn old school???? He's living in a bubble hippy school. The man I a danger to gb, most men from the working class like meat in their dinners after a hard days graft. Not some vegan animal rights, pro uncontrolled immigration with a black racist at the helm with him. Completely out of touch with most of great britain

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Tories about to drop the "no raising taxes" pledge?.........at this rate, BGD will be becoming a fully paid up member of those new socialist elite ;)

If you're lucky I'll only send you to the gulag :D



No offence but you commies aren't going to see power for another 15+ years


Fear the helicopter :laugh:



Communists or any 'old left' open Marxists are never gaining power anywhere outside of the 3rd world again,I think the tories will take the piss having complete free reign until the opposition (not necessarily labour) claims the middle ground and gets elected.


Worst case scenario it is labour who gets in,in about 20 years,and we get new labour mk 2.

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Tories about to drop the "no raising taxes" pledge?.........at this rate, BGD will be becoming a fully paid up member of those new socialist elite ;)

If you're lucky I'll only send you to the gulag :D



No offence but you commies aren't going to see power for another 15+ years


Fear the helicopter :laugh:



Communists or any 'old left' open Marxists are never gaining power anywhere outside of the 3rd world again,I think the tories will take the piss having complete free reign until the opposition (not necessarily labour) claims the middle ground and gets elected.


Worst case scenario it is labour who gets in,in about 20 years,and we get new labour mk 2.


Some of the ex mining pages I look on their going into meltdown anybody slating Corbyn they know its the last throw of the dice for his type of politics it still amazes me how anybody thinks Corbyn will make a difference.

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A lot of people who would vote UKIP are saying they will vote Cuckservatives to keep Labour out. Big mistake.

Why's that?
what's the answer

I don't know much about politics - it bores me shitless.

........ A bunch of middleaged posh twats all looking to feather their own nests.


But, I do know that the thought of Corbyn and Abbott having any real power/responsibility is a scary prospect.

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A lot of people who would vote UKIP are saying they will vote Cuckservatives to keep Labour out. Big mistake.

Why's that?
what's the answer
I don't know much about politics - it bores me shitless.

........ A bunch of middleaged posh twats all looking to feather their own nests.


But, I do know that the thought of Corbyn and Abbott having any real power/responsibility is a scary prospect.

The same applies for me with may and crew

I can get behind them they are evil

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A lot of people who would vote UKIP are saying they will vote Cuckservatives to keep Labour out. Big mistake.

Why's that?
what's the answer
I don't know much about politics - it bores me shitless.

........ A bunch of middleaged posh twats all looking to feather their own nests.


But, I do know that the thought of Corbyn and Abbott having any real power/responsibility is a scary prospect.

The same applies for me with may and crew

I can get behind them they are evil

I think that's the problem with British politics mate - I'm nearly 40 and, I can't ever remember anything other than picking the best of a bad bunch ...... for the likes of you and me, voting is just damage control.

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Exactly chap

It's lose lose every time

I don't know which way to go with this one in truth

I'm thinking Conservative - even though May voted remain, at least she had the balls to stand up and give the electorate what they voted for, after her predecessor chucked his toys on the floor and walked.


I just can't see any of the others fighting for us in Europe like she will.

I've got her down as a cold woman that's not to be underestimated - I hope I'm not wrong.


But, it's still like I said - damage control.

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