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Seasons Up..

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Great to hear so many varied answers,even though we all have one thing in common in the lurchers we all have so many different things to occupy our time..Cheers folks,have a great time whatever it is your up to? ✌



And the same to you matey, what I wouldn't give to share a walk with the likes of you and northernlite, on some of your fantastic lands, and meet that little pom of yours, :thumbs:

Keith would be good Keith no mooning but lol
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I will be 73 shortly, so at my time of life, I shall be doing what ive been doing for years, and putting work in front of my dogs, the amount I take wont make much difference , ive a pup to bring on,

The mountains both here in the Lake District & up in Scotland where this pic was taken is where i spend the majority of my spare time,the weather isn't always wall to wall sunshine infact it's usu

Great to hear so many varied answers,even though we all have one thing in common in the lurchers we all have so many different things to occupy our time..Cheers folks,have a great time whatever it is

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Great to hear so many varied answers,even though we all have one thing in common in the lurchers we all have so many different things to occupy our time..Cheers folks,have a great time whatever it is your up to? ✌



And the same to you matey, what I wouldn't give to share a walk with the likes of you and northernlite, on some of your fantastic lands, and meet that little pom of yours, :thumbs:

would be good Keith no mooning but lol


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Well now the season is up I've finally got the motor booked in the garage tomorrow morning for a service lol,i think it needs one ?,in the last two weeks of the season in just 4 trips out i done over 2700 miles haha so both the car & i will enjoy not travelling excessive miles on a regular basis plus the dogs too i guess? Be no more ferry trips for a while either ..




I certainly won't miss them when the seas rough lmao..

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you and Andy have put up some cracking scenery of your outings, like ive said, be nice to share a walk with either one of you, ive a nose for decent folks, thing is, it takes me all my time to carry myself up hills never mind strapping you owd gits on my back :laugh:

great Keith great sense of humour mate atb
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Still a watching the lambing fields, and then getting a few thing ready for some shoots here abouts. A pile of building work at home too. Few other jobs on the farm have appeared on a long list that gets longer every week. The dogs still get a few hours of ratching each day to keep them sane. Trip to Argentina on the cards that I'm trying to finalise details for.


Should all keep me busy. Any spare time, then I may just go wet a line for old time sake.

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Still a watching the lambing fields, and then getting a few thing ready for some shoots here abouts. A pile of building work at home too. Few other jobs on the farm have appeared on a long list that gets longer every week. The dogs still get a few hours of ratching each day to keep them sane. Trip to Argentina on the cards that I'm trying to finalise details for.


Should all keep me busy. Any spare time, then I may just go wet a line for old time sake.

How the other half live lol ✌

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Still a watching the lambing fields, and then getting a few thing ready for some shoots here abouts. A pile of building work at home too. Few other jobs on the farm have appeared on a long list that gets longer every week. The dogs still get a few hours of ratching each day to keep them sane. Trip to Argentina on the cards that I'm trying to finalise details for.


Should all keep me busy. Any spare time, then I may just go wet a line for old time sake.

How the other half live lol ✌


beats working for a living ;)

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The mountains both here in the Lake District & up in Scotland where this pic was taken is where i spend the majority of my spare time,the weather isn't always wall to wall sunshine infact it's usually raining,snowing,blowing a gale,often you don't see any other form of human life,there are no deck chairs & parasols only moss covered rocks to park your arse on,there ain't no wine bars,no fast food outlets,no shops,no disco music to be heard..But to me being out in such places gives me great enjoyment,the solitude,the wildlife,the soaring Eagles above,the Red Deer in the rut,the smell of the blooming heather or the smell when walking through a pine forest it just can't be beat,the crystal clear waters of mountain streams,the Tarns,Lakes & Lochs..Mother Nature's Garden is where i will be holidaying.. Everything is here around you,just get out there & explore the countryside,you won't regret it folks ✌

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The mountains both here in the Lake District & up in Scotland where this pic was taken is where i spend the majority of my spare time,the weather isn't always wall to wall sunshine infact it's usually raining,snowing,blowing a gale,often you don't see any other form of human life,there are no deck chairs & parasols only moss covered rocks to park your arse on,there ain't no wine bars,no fast food outlets,no shops,no disco music to be heard..But to me being out in such places gives me great enjoyment,the solitude,the wildlife,the soaring Eagles above,the Red Deer in the rut,the smell of the blooming heather or the smell when walking through a pine forest it just can't be beat,the crystal clear waters of mountain streams,the Tarns,Lakes & Lochs..Mother Nature's Garden is where i will be holidaying.. Everything is here around you,just get out there & explore the countryside,you won't regret it folks ✌

. Well fugi I knows that place ta me his heaven everything solitude close ta nature j,what more could a country man ask for ,enjoy fella atb bunnys.
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Fishing, camping, using the long evenings to explore around the new house. Move my high seats about and shoot a few roe bucks. Before you know it we'll all be thinking about getting dogs fit again

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season only starting if facebooks anything to go by.whole tribe of them on now with a clip up of 3 dogs chasing a hare.they all seemed chuffed how good a spin it was going by the comments.

Them lads on Facebook wind me up like nothing else. I left one group because they are a bunch of scum with no respect!

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