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Different Types Of Drunks

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I used to get drunk and think i was superman n had a few black eyes. Got to say thats when i was young n first started drinking. Then i went into i guess just a normal type and now i dont really like getting drunk with strangers. Feel more mature than other people when they start drinking n cba to hear em talk bollocks. Have a drink with my small circle of mates n just say alright if see anyone else when out.


Anyway posting it as i just went shop with my brother. Before we left the house he told my mum his sorted it for my sister to be able to work in his gfs estate agents when she leaves school if she wants. My mums hardly listening as shes on her phone and he moans about that lol. Thought right change subject lets go shop, on our way bump into a local bloke n his bird. Saw him last week not a mate just a local face say alright too n have a chat about work. Anyway my brother said last week he aint seen him in the pub n he told us his under the thumb with a fit new bird. See him n her tonight say allo then my brother comes out with "f**k me you told us she was nice you lying c**t" Half smiling as i said it but felt awkward for her so told him to shut up n went to carry in walking with him but hed stopped. "max are you telling me shes good looking or is he some sort c**t who talks out his arse?". Told him his being a prat n lucky he dont get put on his arse n he proper gets loud then. "Go on anyone here touch me n see if i dont bite your f***ing nose off". told him stop being stupid and half pulled him into the shop n said sorry to the bloke and his bird. Thing is his not so drunk he can barely stand or anything. Noticing it that lately after just a few drinks he becomes like a different person?


Was bloody embarassing and just out of order. Its like his looking for arguments and tbh probably do him good to get a kick in. Thing is he never used to be like it its only id say within the last two months ive noticed what a prick he is when drunk. Seen it with my dad aswell get drunk and end up loosing it n being sectioned. Thankfully he aint in years and now his like an old drunk who just repeats himself and wants to play punk songs from his youth.


Anyone known people to change so much when drunk and wtf is the cause of it.

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Anytipe of drunk is an annoying f**k simple as that you have to be drunk to get along with other drunks

The 3 worst types are;   1.the ones who want to kiss and hug everyone. 2.violent ones. 3.the ones who throw up every time they touch a drop.   I've noticed a lot of young lads go through a phase

Sometimes I think the people who are total cnuts after a few drinks..........are just total cnuts deep down.....

Yep, some folk I know turn from quiet, polite lads who wouldn't say boo to a goose into bloody psychos with a full load on board. :yes: Guy I used to work with a fair bit was the quietest bloke you could imagine when he was sober, went to another college's wedding and he almost started a f***ing riot with the brides family later on in the evening! :laugh:


If you're after a 'why', I'd say it all depends on quite a number of different things. Alcohol removes an element of self control and inhibition. If you're someone who is generally happy and relaxed at the time you will probably be Ok, but if you have something on your mind you're trying to repress it can magnify and unleash it. Also the speed that the alcohol goes into your bloodstream can make a huge difference. If you drink on am empty stomach for instance it will go into your blood much faster.

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The 3 worst types are;


1.the ones who want to kiss and hug everyone.

2.violent ones.

3.the ones who throw up every time they touch a drop.


I've noticed a lot of young lads go through a phase of wanting to 'save' women who arguing with door staff,taxi drivers etc


Violent ones won't grow out of it imo,they should just stop drinking.

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Mmm . . This interest me greatly . . I've seen nice sobers become nasty drunks and vice versa . . My father-in-law is the most quiet of men, but when he's had a few he's like a canary . . Does a drunk man speak a sober man's mind and all that? It's facinated me. . As said before, 100% teetotal, always have been. . Before working as a barman I'd never seen a non violent drunk, didn't think it was possible!!

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It cant just be drink because he carries it on for weeks. Drink can be something that used to send my dad over the edge though. Me n my mum can see it coming and sort of talk him into going bed. Starts talking to the walls and stuff usually a sign that his about to loose it lol. His not been sectioned in years and youd never believe it his well spoken and intelligent. His alright now but abit like you bird whiskey can bring it out in him.


My brothers always been fine had plenty of nights out with him. Just seems lately he comes annoying and looking for an argument. More embarassing than anything else made me feel awkward being with him. Gonna tell him tomorrow although his not out of his face drunk i cant be arsed to have him argue back now that his fine. His becoming a prat when drunk though n can see him getting a deserved smack in the face.


Like i say ive gone through the thinking your superman phase. Now i would just say im more antisocial lol cant be arsed to be around others when drunk unless my mates. Cant be arsed with people talking loud or talking to much or just talking bollocks. Soon as their about to start im just *yeah mate well have a good night yeah" lol.

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Violent drunks are always the worst.

Nusence and sex pest ones are next.

Then there are the people who get drunk, know they always get that drunk, dont like themselves drunk and feck off drunk, spoiling everyone elses night worrying about em.

Though for me spewers are the worst... only because i'm a sympathy spewer myself. Nothing on this earth makes me spew apart from another spewer, drunk or not!


Me, i still have a drink because i like the drink, usualy red wine or cask ale. Getting drunk is the down side...

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As young I agree when drunk we are total pains but now into my 50th year I only drink the odd cider mainly summer but I like my whisky, now the art of drinking whisky is not to get drunk but to enjoy the tastes within , little and often is my motto but I'm a week clean and not touching a drop until Xmas.

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The 3 worst types are;


1.the ones who want to kiss and hug everyone.

2.violent ones.

3.the ones who throw up every time they touch a drop.


I've noticed a lot of young lads go through a phase of wanting to 'save' women who arguing with door staff,taxi drivers etc


Violent ones won't grow out of it imo,they should just stop drinking.

Save women lol the only thing on the young lads mind will be take them home the alcohol Probally makes them feel like they have to act as some sort of protector towards women in order to get with them I've seen it all before and seen enthusiastic young lads ending up looking stupid sleeping on the pavement after trying to take on bouncers

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Think when young its just needing to come out your system type thing. I wouldnt cause trouble when drunk n young but i would bite my tongue when people were bullshitting n stuff. I now cant be arsed n just want a quiet night so would bite my tongue n avoid situations. I like a drink on a friday but can go months without even doing that. If it made me act like my brother i wouldnt bother, thing is his usually fine just lately seems an arsehole. Sure hell get a good kick in soon those that done hear must feel.

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Violent drunks are always the worst.

Nusence and sex pest ones are next.

Then there are the people who get drunk, know they always get that drunk, dont like themselves drunk and feck off drunk, spoiling everyone elses night worrying about em.

Though for me spewers are the worst... only because i'm a sympathy spewer myself. Nothing on this earth makes me spew apart from another spewer, drunk or not!


Me, i still have a drink because i like the drink, usualy red wine or cask ale. Getting drunk is the down side...


I'd rather a bloke got aggressive toward me than started trying to kiss me telling me he loves me.


I had a mate who was both,first he got aggressive,then usually someone slaps him and he loves everyone and is all over them,I had to share a room with the twate for 6 long months lol trust me the 'overly affectionate' ones are worse.

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The 3 worst types are;


1.the ones who want to kiss and hug everyone.

2.violent ones.

3.the ones who throw up every time they touch a drop.


I've noticed a lot of young lads go through a phase of wanting to 'save' women who arguing with door staff,taxi drivers etc


Violent ones won't grow out of it imo,they should just stop drinking.

Save women lol the only thing on the young lads mind will be take them home the alcohol Probally makes them feel like they have to act as some sort of protector towards women in order to get with them I've seen it all before and seen enthusiastic young lads ending up looking stupid sleeping on the pavement after trying to take on bouncers

Up london on a night out and a bird we was with kicked off with someone. Tried calming her down but werent having none of it. Well i aint shagging her so f**k it leave her to it. Her n a bird going at it when my mate wants to be the hero to impress her lol. Grabs the other bird who was fighting and her lot aint having that. Mate ended up getting a serious kick in was in hospital for a while.....and he never got to shag the bird...."your a true friend for staying to back me so sorry you ended up getting a kick in" lol all that to be put in the friend zone bless him.

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Violent drunks are always the worst.

Nusence and sex pest ones are next.

Then there are the people who get drunk, know they always get that drunk, dont like themselves drunk and feck off drunk, spoiling everyone elses night worrying about em.

Though for me spewers are the worst... only because i'm a sympathy spewer myself. Nothing on this earth makes me spew apart from another spewer, drunk or not!

Me, i still have a drink because i like the drink, usualy red wine or cask ale. Getting drunk is the down side...


I'd rather a bloke got aggressive toward me than started trying to kiss me telling me he loves me.


I had a mate who was both,first he got aggressive,then usually someone slaps him and he loves everyone and is all over them,I had to share a room with the twate for 6 long months lol trust me the 'overly affectionate' ones are worse.

Deep down they just want to shag you....

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