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How Much Is This Guy Getting Paid

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He's probably getting paid for his lies but it's a well known fact that he got sacked for bad practice and as some of us have said in the Hunting with Hounds forum on here, if he has admitted to being cruel why is the RSPCA not prosecuting him ?

The truth is that he's made up a lot of lies to try and get revenge on his former employers and it's a pity that a lowlife like him ever got into hunt service in the first place.

Edited by neil cooney
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Hunted the tredegar farmers in the eighties was a very poor operator would be a modest statement,had his notice which then prompted a bitter personal vendetta against the hunt master and hunting itself.Quite simply a wrong un the malpractice he claims to have been involved with pertains to him and that's where the buck stops.He became very freindly with anti hunt former Labour welsh cabinet leader Ron Davies the mp who frequented Clapham common and tog hill lay by in bath caught by the papperazi behaving inappropriately.Clifford pellows motives are retribution borne out of malice and probably pots of money,don't worry the impartial british public with any amount of sense will readily perceive what he is.

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  • 2 months later...

Upper class hunting speaks for itself a load off posh touts that when caught or convicted of cruelty or in his case volunteruly open his trap and add lies will bring every other toffee nosed cnut Down with them.

Edited by delboy_187
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What do you mean by upper class hunting Delboy ?

You're as ignorant as those who want hunting banned purely for class reasons.

If you were ever involved with a hunt you'd know that the vast majority are working class Joe Soaps who work hard to pay for their hunting. In fact I always found that the ones with posh accents who looked down their noses at you were usually the ones who hadn't the arse in their trousers.

It's bad enough that hunting was restricted in the UK purely because that b*****d Blair wanted to upset the so called toffs, not because he cared about animals, but it's bad when so called hunters also make the same comparisons.

Like I say to anti's when they try to force their opinions on me, educate yourself and learn about the subject and only then make your assumptions.

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