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Ferrets Stolen

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thought id have a lie in this am. it's raining and wast no need in being up so early.

All I heard was the missus screaming all my ferrets had been stolen, got up ran down stairs and sure enuf all the hutches was open but only 2 ferrets gone well pissed of

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I do hope you get your ferrets back fellah...   It is a rotten feeling, to walk down the garden and see the fronts ripped off your hutches, and your workers chored.... I no longer keep any stock

That is stirling advice....   We all like a wee bit of praise,..it's human nature,...but I have learn't that putting up images can be a costly business... There is a lot of jealousy out there,..and

I feel the same as Phil a good grade wire and double padlocks will slow them down , but putting the ferrets next to the dog runs and the din the dogs kick up is probably the best deterrent out there b

Liverpool mate, They left 3 kits out of 6.

Out of my 3 adults the have tuck 2 my only male albino, and the mother of the kits silver. Ant then left all the other hutch doors open. the strangest thing is there was a double carry box and 2 mountain bikes they didn't even bother with

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Liverpool mate, They left 3 kits out of 6.

Out of my 3 adults the have tuck 2 my only male albino, and the mother of the kits silver. Ant then left all the other hutch doors open. the strangest thing is there was a double carry box and 2 mountain bikes they didn't even bother with

Sounds like they knew specifically what they were going in for. b*****ds.

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Guest Navek

Very strange they'd take only some of the kits and some adults...surely they would of taken all of them unless they had enough time stand around inspecting which kits to take and which to leave...hope you get them back atb

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thought id have a lie in this am. it's raining and wast no need in being up so early.

All I heard was the missus screaming all my ferrets had been stolen, got up ran down stairs and sure enuf all the hutches was open but only 2 ferrets gone well pissed of


I do hope you get your ferrets back fellah... :yes:


It is a rotten feeling, to walk down the garden and see the fronts ripped off your hutches, and your workers chored....

I no longer keep any stock at home,..I have moved what was left of my originals, onto a mates farm...

For me,..it is the only option,..Admittedly, it is a pain having to drive over to collect a team of ferrets,... but it is better putting them in lodgings, than having to turn the garden into Fort Knox :D

Sometimes a wee garden rabbit job comes in, all of a sudden,.. and it would be so easy to simply scoop up a box full and be on my way,..Alas,..it is not to be....

When I was hit,...it was an upsetting time,...I never thought such people existed,...but I have learn't my lesson.... :thumbs:

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