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Or until the once nice area you grew up in as a kid becomes taken over by a community that has no respect or values for our way of life or respect for the indigenous culture and you watch as the area

I didn't waste my time clicking the link, as I care nothing for the teachings or followers of a murderous,paedophlic,misogynistic death cult.   Now if you'll excuse me, my dog Muhammed needs a pee !

Bollocks. No different to the shite force fed to the masses who believe theres nothing wrong. This is the general section nothing to do with hunting and why should the owner of the site take any resp

Wonder how many lads off here cheer on muslims every weekend at football then come on and slate them ? Not having a dig just genuinely wonder.

but its the bad ones there having a dig at, you know the ones that want to kill us, not the ones that accept our way of life and integrate like the footballers.boxers.athletes and anyone else not trying to kill, rape and generally being against the nation they chose to reside in

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Wonder how many lads off here cheer on muslims every weekend at football then come on and slate them ? Not having a dig just genuinely wonder.

but its the bad ones there having a dig at, you know the ones that want to kill us, not the ones that accept our way of life and integrate like the footballers.boxers.athletes and anyone else not trying to kill, rape and generally being against the nation they chose to reside in


too true .....

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The Hunting Life


Your Number #1 Anti Muslim Website

With a sprinkling of lefty/liberal/progressive self hating enrichment devotees, that know fu*k all about what is happening in England, and should keep their fabian views to themselves.

should the forum have a muslim section, above the lurcher section.......


this stuff continues because the mods agree with it, if it was anything else, threads would be locked

Many of these threads are baseless scare & hatemongering..., nothing more than religious bigotry. I have no doubt that the number of these threads, started or hijacked by the same small number of individuals, damages the reputation of the site and the sport we all claim to love and wish to protect. I'm a believer in freedom of speech but a lot of what is posted is spiteful & unnecessary IMO, and has no place on a hunting forum.


Bollocks. No different to the shite force fed to the masses who believe theres nothing wrong.

This is the general section nothing to do with hunting and why should the owner of the site take any responsibility? These are the thoughts and concerns of common people from common areas. Free speech. Them camel jockeys are allowed to take to the streets, full of hate and scaremongering and f**k all gets done, what makes this any different? I couldnt give a f**k what any one thinks of me for saying out loud, they, them, their religion,their progeny arent welcome. After all, I`m the one starting to feel unwelcome in my own place of birth and my views and concerns fall on the deaf ears of those in power. Voice it any way you can!!

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Thats my point you cant brand them all as terrorits and scum as aome have done in this topic and if its getting to picking and choosing good and bad ones you can do that with every religion.

but as far as i am aware no other religion has an army that is killing across the middle east and throughout the world. so its more than a few bad apples.

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no but you would still be a c**t just my opinion :thumbs:

I really do not care what you or anyone else thinks


From a very early age I was brought up never to trust Muslims


My grandfather spent much of his life in Libya and was always told never trust a muslim and never turn your back on one

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The Hunting Life


Your Number #1 Anti Muslim Website

With a sprinkling of lefty/liberal/progressive self hating enrichment devotees, that know fu*k all about what is happening in England, and should keep their fabian views to themselves.

should the forum have a muslim section, above the lurcher section.......


this stuff continues because the mods agree with it, if it was anything else, threads would be locked

Many of these threads are baseless scare & hatemongering..., nothing more than religious bigotry. I have no doubt that the number of these threads, started or hijacked by the same small number of individuals, damages the reputation of the site and the sport we all claim to love and wish to protect. I'm a believer in freedom of speech but a lot of what is posted is spiteful & unnecessary IMO, and has no place on a hunting forum.


But this is a GENERAL TOPIC section you see, and as such, is given over to the discussion of GENERAL TOPICS you see there is a clue, its in the word GENERAL, the problems we face as a nation, are believe it or not, very important to some of us here, so you can use your descriptive buzz words all you like, you obviously think that people across England have nothing better to do than come on forums and have a rant at immigrants, and their beliefs, you simply do not understand, or if you do you are even worse for it, that this country, its people, way of life, values,and the very fabric of our society is under attack, and it is going to end very very badly one day, maybe next year, maybe in 50 years, I care about my childrens future and their childrens future, as do many on here, but you are a liberal enrichement supporter, that much is clear, and as such only your opinion can be right, but as I have said before, I hope those that hold views like yours, one day feel the full force of the "enrichment" you find so laudable.

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So the Catholic church abusing children you choose to ignore or you simply dont care?

Not sure where were going with this Catholic spin but I find child abuse abhorrent who ever commits it.

The fact that in Rotherham 1500 children were sexually abused by mostly Pakistani Muslims is not down to some depraved warped individuals (in your example I assume a catholic priest) but down to a group of Muslims who believe it is acceptable within their faith to treat non muslim young girls as fair game.

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Im talking about over 3000 cases of child abuse by catholic priests that stem back to the 80's these people preach this religion and set an example. I have nothing against catholics as i have nothimg against muslims. I do have a problem with murderers ,peados,thieves and junkies regardless of their faith

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Boris Johnson





At first I couldn’t believe my ears. “Jihadi John” had finally been exposed as Mohammed Emwazi, and there on our screens was this knife-wielding assassin – a frame taken from one of those nauseating videos in which he swaggers and gloats and boasts about the ways in which he has subverted all decency and cut off the heads of a string of innocent aid workers and journalists. And there in the television studio was a man who seemed intent on exculpating the terrorist.

He was called Asim Qureshi, the “research director” of a body called “Cage”, and he was determined to blame absolutely everyone except the killer himself. When Jon Snow gently asked him to condemn the murders, he started babbling indignantly about the deeds of Tony Blair and Dick Cheney.

When pressed again, he accused the newsreader of Islamophobia. When Snow – who did an excellent job – asked him again to assign blame where it lay, fully and squarely with the ghoul in Syria, he started, incredibly, to blame the UK security services.

Yes, the brutal security services had stopped Emwazi from going to Tanzania “to make a life for himself abroad”. Make a life for himself! He was going to join a terrorist group called Al-Shabaab, and at one stage tried to force himself on board a plane. This sick young terrorist – said Qureshi – was “a beautiful man, very caring, very compassionate towards others”. Tell that to the relatives who have seen him publicly behead their loved ones.

It was one of the most vomit-making TV interviews I have ever seen, and at first I simply dismissed it. Surely no one would believe such rubbish; and then I reflected – and of course I saw that Cage and other apologists are by no means idiotic. You and I can see through their lies, but there are thousands, if not millions, who are more suggestible and who are willing to see things that way. The Cage people are pandering to a section of the audience that is frighteningly large, and growing. We need collectively to demolish their myths; and to do it fast.

We need a proper security response. We need to be able to monitor these vipers nursed at the breast of the British state: their movements, their communications, and sometimes we need to be able to separate them from others who could aid and abet their plans. In so far as the Lib Dems are still being obstructive, they must be overwhelmed.

Then I am afraid that we must accept that Isil still has the charisma that goes with military victory. They have money, oil, huge tracts of land – flats and material comforts with which to bait the deluded girls from Bethnal Green, who think they are going out to meet a religious and gun-toting version of Brad Pitt. We need to come up with a way of beating them – and given the understandable public revulsion at the thought of British boots on the ground, we need to work harder at backing the Kurdish Peshmerga, and persuading the Sunni military that it is in their interests not to collaborate with the terrorists, but to drive them out.

Yet none of these solutions will be any use unless we also change the way these people are sometimes viewed, and especially by young Muslims growing up in this country, whether in London schools or anywhere else. We need to debunk these jihadists and their phoney ideology. There is nothing pure or honourable in their barbaric subculture – of rape camps, throwing gays off cliffs and burning people alive in cages.

They are not even religious: many are said to have a very sketchy knowledge of the Koran. They are hopeless hypocrites who claim to despise the West but who pathetically wear Nike trainers and daub their temples with expensive Chanel cologne (Egoiste, appropriately, the preferred aroma). Many of them are losers: twits, twerps and misfits who are hopelessly caught up in a mobile-assisted pornography of violence.

Above all, we must stop this fateful elision – encouraged by the likes of Cage – between this jihadism and Islam. The other day I pointed out that many of these young men are – according to the security services – heavy users of porn. I was astounded to be denounced, on the front page of The Guardian, by the Muslim Council of Britain. A spokeswoman said that I was somehow attacking Muslims as a whole. Why on earth would she say that? Why is the MCB effectively claiming these porn freak jihadists for mainstream Islam?

I believe – and I certainly want to believe – that this jihadi madness is rejected by the overwhelming majority of Muslims; and yes, I was dismayed by the recent BBC poll in which 27 per cent said they had “some sympathy with the motives behind” the Charlie Hebdo shootings. But, then, there was no control sample of the rest of the non-Muslim population, and I am afraid that there are plenty of non-Muslims who found the cartoons offensive, and plenty of readers of this paper who object (rather more than I would, perhaps) to needless insults to religion.

I seem to remember that Pope Francis himself was asked what he thought of the motives behind the shootings, and said: “If you swear at my mother, expect a punch.” That would put him pretty firmly, I think, in the 27 per cent. The point is that neither he, nor Telegraph readers who disliked the Charlie Hebdo cartoons, nor the overwhelming majority of Muslims would want to see that emotion – taking offence – translated into violence of any kind.

That is why it is vital to insist, time and again, on the difference between this sick jihadism and Islam; and that is why, conversely, we must do everything we can to stop the likes of Cage – and indeed the MCB – from eliding anti-jihadism with Islamophobia. You can loathe jihadists, in other words, and be perfectly sympathetic to Muslims.

It is obscene, looking at their defence of Emwazi, to think that Cage have been taking money from charities such as the Anita Roddick Foundation and the Joseph Rowntree Foundation. They should stop apologising for terror, and start apologising to the victims.

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So the Catholic church abusing children you choose to ignore or you simply dont care?

Not sure where were going with this Catholic spin but I find child abuse abhorrent who ever commits it.

The fact that in Rotherham 1500 children were sexually abused by mostly Pakistani Muslims is not down to some depraved warped individuals (in your example I assume a catholic priest) but down to a group of Muslims who believe it is acceptable within their faith to treat non muslim young girls as fair game.

I think it goes further than that.


Can you think of a more contemptuous and hateful way to treat the people of a host nation, that to violate it's children?


It is an exstreme form of racism, if you hear the way the Pakistani vermin were speaking to the girls, you would not speak to a dog in that way.


It is the liberals similar to those on here that shut people up in places like Rotherham and a dozen other towns and cities in England. So the abuse carried on for years, absolute f*****g scum.


They are part of the problem, not the answer.

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The Hunting Life


Your Number #1 Anti Muslim Website

With a sprinkling of lefty/liberal/progressive self hating enrichment devotees, that know fu*k all about what is happening in England, and should keep their fabian views to themselves.

should the forum have a muslim section, above the lurcher section.......


this stuff continues because the mods agree with it, if it was anything else, threads would be locked

Many of these threads are baseless scare & hatemongering..., nothing more than religious bigotry. I have no doubt that the number of these threads, started or hijacked by the same small number of individuals, damages the reputation of the site and the sport we all claim to love and wish to protect. I'm a believer in freedom of speech but a lot of what is posted is spiteful & unnecessary IMO, and has no place on a hunting forum.


But this is a GENERAL TOPIC section you see, and as such, is given over to the discussion of GENERAL TOPICS you see there is a clue, its in the word GENERAL, the problems we face as a nation, are believe it or not, very important to some of us here, so you can use your descriptive buzz words all you like, you obviously think that people across England have nothing better to do than come on forums and have a rant at immigrants, and their beliefs, you simply do not understand, or if you do you are even worse for it, that this country, its people, way of life, values,and the very fabric of our society is under attack, and it is going to end very very badly one day, maybe next year, maybe in 50 years, I care about my childrens future and their childrens future, as do many on here, but you are a liberal enrichement supporter, that much is clear, and as such only your opinion can be right, but as I have said before, I hope those that hold views like yours, one day feel the full force of the "enrichment" you find so laudable.


I get that it's a section for 'general', or non-hunting related topics but it's a HUNTING FORUM so that people who post on them are HUNTERS so whatever is posted there is representative of hunters and their sport..., so my comment is VALID.


As for your statement "you obviously think that people across England have nothing better to do than come on forums and have a rant at immigrants, and their beliefs, you simply do not understand" ... I understand you've trawled the net today to dredge up a story from 4 years ago to have a go at muslims. You are one fcuking sad and pathetic case, and your views are NOT REPRESENTING THE MAJORITY OF PEOPLE LIVING IN ENGLAND, whatever you might think. :tongue2:

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And lets remember, it is all part of the plan to race replace England, and destroy nationalism, well English nationalism at least.

Not a minute too soon.... :lol:


WOOO Pesky you almost got me to swear at you, obviously the training you are receiving as a left wing mole is working, gosh keep at it son you might get someone to say something racist, then you really could get your co*k out.

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