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And Yet More Foreigners Patrolling Our Streets

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Seriously Pesky? And you're asking people if they hear voice's Delude yourself as much as you like mate, post on here like your kind are the majority, but its way way off the real truth, the t

Pesky, for goodness sake, I can assure you I was not whining, what I was simply pointing out (which you would know if you bothered to read from the start) is the fact that these people are dressing in

Rodp and four lurchers,well said both of you, an example of people who if I am much mistaken, never felt prejudice against those of other ethnicity/cultures, but now like many many people in the count

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So you concede you brought it up first? Good, the truth, is something that you refuse to accept, however, it is your enemy, and when the truth is your enemy you will always lose in the end,it is utterly pointless me having a debate on the subject with you, as you are imbued with the arrogant, self righteousness that all lefty's possess, and your opinion is right, even in the face of overwhelming evidence to the contrary, for example the state of modern day England, it must be very frustrating for you, that you cannot encourage a tirade of racist abuse from anyone, but keep trying, the fact of the matter is that when you make comments debasing my ethnicity, and my right to be proud of it, YOU are the one displaying racist behaviour, if I was an Asian, or African proudly espousing my ethnic routes you would not say a word against it, but because you are an English hater(and at heart you know you are) you feel justified in making veiled racist remarks towards us.

And if it has been such a waste of four pages, why not keep your silly lefty, apologist nose out?

"So you concede you brought it up first?"

Yes I did, okay you win. Only thing is you've sounded like a fcukin five year old in doing so.


"you cannot encourage a tirade of racist abuse from anyone, but keep trying"

Do I? When?


"YOU are the one displaying racist behaviour, if I was an Asian, or African proudly espousing my ethnic routes you would not say a word against it, but because you are an English hater(and at heart you know you are) you feel justified in making veiled racist remarks towards us."

I'm not an 'English hater'. Quote me some of what I've said that makes you say that and I'll explain and defend every last fcukin word of it. There's lots about England I love and respect. I also have quite a few very good friends and colleagues that are English. Scotland obviously has a bit of 'history' with England but to me that's what it is..., history. Won't stop me making the odd tongue in cheek jibes at you English though, but it's a bit of a friendly rivalry thing, said in good humour FFS. My issue might be with your interpretation of the term 'English'. If a man..., whether he's white, black, yellow, catholic, sikh, jewish, muslim..., is born in England then his nationlity is English...., then surely he can be described as such. I accept (and have accepted on a previous whining thread of yours) that 'English' is also an ethnic reference. You seem to want to dissect and misinterpret my posts and portray me as some kind of a racist. You're whining on about it again here..., it's absolutely fcukin pathetic. If anything you're 'anti-Scottish' but you don't hear me moaning like a fcukin woman about it.

Edited by pesky1972
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So you concede you brought it up first? Good, the truth, is something that you refuse to accept, however, it is your enemy, and when the truth is your enemy you will always lose in the end,it is utterly pointless me having a debate on the subject with you, as you are imbued with the arrogant, self righteousness that all lefty's possess, and your opinion is right, even in the face of overwhelming evidence to the contrary, for example the state of modern day England, it must be very frustrating for you, that you cannot encourage a tirade of racist abuse from anyone, but keep trying, the fact of the matter is that when you make comments debasing my ethnicity, and my right to be proud of it, YOU are the one displaying racist behaviour, if I was an Asian, or African proudly espousing my ethnic routes you would not say a word against it, but because you are an English hater(and at heart you know you are) you feel justified in making veiled racist remarks towards us.

And if it has been such a waste of four pages, why not keep your silly lefty, apologist nose out?

"So you concede you brought it up first?"

Yes I did, okay you win. Only thing is you've sounded like a fcukin five year old in doing so.


"you cannot encourage a tirade of racist abuse from anyone, but keep trying"

Do I? When?


"YOU are the one displaying racist behaviour, if I was an Asian, or African proudly espousing my ethnic routes you would not say a word against it, but because you are an English hater(and at heart you know you are) you feel justified in making veiled racist remarks towards us."

I'm not an 'English hater'. Quote me some of what I've said that makes you say that and I'll explain and defend every last fcukin word of it. There's lots about England I love and respect. I also have quite a few very good friends and colleagues that are English. Scotland obviously has a bit of 'history' with England but to me that's what it is..., history. Won't stop me making the odd tongue in cheek jibes at you English though, but it's a bit of a friendly rivalry thing, said in good humour FFS. My issue might be with your interpretation of the term 'English'. If a man..., whether he's white, black, yellow, catholic, sikh, jewish, muslim..., is born in England then his nationlity is English...., and can be described as such. I accept (and have accepted on a previous whining thread of yours) that 'English' is also an ethnic reference. You seem to want to dissect and misinterpret my post and portray me as some kind of a racist. You're whining on about it again here..., it's absolutely fcukin pathetic. If anything you're 'anti-Scottish' but you don't hear me moaning like a fcukin woman about it.


You can take the man out off his country but you cant take the country out of the man , even generations down the line they still refer it as the father country.

As for the Jews they have been hated for more than 2000 years , I wonder why !!

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My issue might be with your interpretation of the term 'English'. If a man..., whether he's white, black, yellow, catholic, sikh, jewish, muslim..., is born in England then his nationlity is English...., and can be described as such.

You can take the man out off his country but you cant take the country out of the man , even generations down the line they still refer it as the father country.

As for the Jews they have been hated for more than 2000 years , I wonder why !!


Can't a man (born here, and maybe to parents both born here) be proud of, or at least not ashamed of his non-English ancestry and still be considered 'English' (defined by nationality and not ethnicity Charlie boy before you go into one)?


Do you consider Wayne Rooney English? What about Amir Khan.., is he English? Both appear to me to be very proud to be English... and British. Should they be asked to leave England as they're maybe only say third or fourth generation? Genuine question.



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Imagine if you had been twatted from all sides for 2000 years...


Rekon you'd be a bit defensive as well




To say you're part jewish you don't know much about jews Mush :laugh: 90% of jews aren't fekin jewish, and they only existed about 800 years, the Palis are more jewish than the jews :laugh: 95% of American jews and 90% of Israeli jews just aren't jewish, been brushed under the carpet for years, but DNA don't lie.


Anyway i blame William the conqueror, f****n sheepburner :whistling:

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Imagine if you had been twatted from all sides for 2000 years...


Rekon you'd be a bit defensive as well



But why have they been twatted for 2000 years ? Horrible race of people and I have had a lot of dealings with them , they think the world owes them some thing

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Deport them both.

Succinct as ever Tandors.., but at least I can understand this one, unlike your usual posts which are harder to decipher than the clues for the Times cryptic crossword...., or is it maybe cos I'm just thick :hmm:


Where would you stop with the deportation? How many of the 50+ million people living in England would be allowed to stay? There surely must be tens of millions now with a splash of something other than pure English blood running through their veins?

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Imagine if you had been twatted from all sides for 2000 years...


Rekon you'd be a bit defensive as well



To say you're part jewish you don't know much about jews Mush :laugh: 90% of jews aren't fekin jewish, and they only existed about 800 years, the Palis are more jewish than the jews :laugh: 95% of American jews and 90% of Israeli jews just aren't jewish, been brushed under the carpet for years, but DNA don't lie.


Anyway i blame William the conqueror, f****n sheepburner :whistling:

:laugh: by part I mean some f****n ancestor not far down the line mate ;)


William was a French of Nordic descent cnut :laugh:

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what have the romans ever dun for us ha ha ha feckin ha i just happenend to be born in this shit hole of a country but dont class my self as english its no t your fault the country is in the state its in and argueing about it will never solve owt the english have raped and pillaged the world for centuries usa .oz .africa . india eire . to name a few but in the words of capt manwaring when they get it up em they dont like it sit down and watch the life of brian

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