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BM - But that's a PUP. . . . it's 4 months. I'd only just really be starting stock breaking then. . . . well. . . . you know what I mean. It's only been away from the bitch for a couple of months. It's like saying "I brought a pup home at 8 weeks, it pissed on the rug, so I rehomed it because its obviously always going to piss in the house, so needs to live in a kennel".

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Yeah I seen that one on there,also there was a spaniel pup ,can't remember if it was a cocker or springer and they was selling because they couldn't give it enough time,

Well how much exercise did they think a working bred spaniel was going to need ,twats!

It makes me so angry, same as ads that say they are rehoming a 5 month old pup because they are moving house or work commitments... Why take the dog on in the first place?! Because there too many effing idiots are breeding shitty cavapoos or jackawhatsits or inbred pure breeds that look all cute and fluffy at 8 wks and are sold to people who haven't got a clue what they are doing. I hate it.

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