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The Lads New "hancock"

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Well, after the lad had lost his "Hancock" bitch at the tender age of 11 months to poison he decided to try another,he was made up with the last bitch and could'nt wait for the autumn but it was'nt to be,he had talked to "Sally" a couple of times and explained what had happened and after realising who he was told him of a bitch that was to be ready last Friday,she is a red merle with a thick double coat that she was keeping for someone that would give her some work and my lad "Tom" fitted the bill,after a 2 hour trip we arrived at the farm to be shown the greyhound bitch,she was a large muscular bitch, standing over plenty of ground and impressive considering she'd just whelped 8 wks previous, we already knew about 'delboy" so the deal was done and off we came with the pup,as last time we shall be building a record of this bitches progress for "sally" and "David".

It has been a few days now since he got her and I have been left looking after her in the day as he works full time and he has nobody at his house,I am up at 4-30am at the moment as I have the pest control contract on a major chain of hotel/golf courses that are plagued with rabbits and other vermin, I am back for 9-00am so it works out quite well and am using the time over the next month to build a bigger ferret cage and update my kennels, I have to say this little girl is nothing like his other bitch "Mollie", she is very collie like in her ways and gives nothing away as to what she's thinking, here's a pic or two of this mornings walk, atb, WM






Edited by wirral countryman
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Thanks to all who posted so far, she's a great little pup, sturdy and so different from "Mollie", next time he goes away I will look after both his dogs so as to avoid parks and "lunes" poisoning dogs, its too hot to do much in the daytime anyway at the moment, I bush for an hour or two each morning and night, my rifle is the busiest thing at the moment due to the amount of rabbits about this year on golf courses, I wish they could wait till autumn but its easy work from a golf cart, in a few more weeks the harriss will be a busy girl as she's just finishing her moult, we pick up a new Peruvian male soon but if anyones bred a decent nest of Harriss's this year from good hunting birds I'd be interested in one, pm me if you know of any, atb, WM

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