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Gays,,,lesbians,,,,having Children?

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Following on from the wedding thread about gays marrying ,,, what's people's opinion of gays having children,,,,?


Ok I know there's not a lot you can do to stop lesbians,,,cos all they need is a sperm bank,,,or a turkey baster,,,,


But what about adoption?.....

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wrong on every level possible and just setting up the poor child for a lifetime of bullying......prime example is elton john and his lover having kids....imo its not fair on any child to grow up with

Gays can't breed so why unnatuaraly give them children? ,fecking worlds gone gay mad.

As long as the kids are cared for and loved. I'm sure Fred and Rosemary's kids would have jumped at the chance to stay with a cpl of poofs lol

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wrong on every level possible and just setting up the poor child for a lifetime of bullying......prime example is elton john and his lover having kids....imo its not fair on any child to grow up with this as his first family photo.......




i couldnt give two fucks what two adults get up to but bringing kids into it and depraving them of a normal upbringing is disgusting and should be outlawed..... :yes:

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I'm dead against it! and I have a gay brother and several gay friends It's just wrong and totally unnatural. As already said what two adults get up to behind closed doors is their business but wrong to involve kids :yes:

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I'm dead against it! and I have a gay brother and several gay friends It's just wrong and totally unnatural. As already said what two adults get up to behind closed doors is their business but wrong to involve kids :yes:

Mush have you ever asked your brothers thoughts on it,,,,?

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I'm dead against it! and I have a gay brother and several gay friends It's just wrong and totally unnatural. As already said what two adults get up to behind closed doors is their business but wrong to involve kids :yes:

Several gay friends eh :hmm: trying to bulk up eh :hmm: wife's left for a year eh :hmm::laugh:

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It's a tricky one. I hate gays, don't like them, don't have gay mates, never would. But, regarding kids etc. I'm sure Elton's kid will have a better quality of life than some single parent junkie pumping out kids for the social money. I don't think today's generation hold the same stigma to gays as older ones so, as long as the kids going to get a good life, why not. It should be all about the child and whether who ever is adopting them can give them a good life regardless of sexuality.

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I'm dead against it! and I have a gay brother and several gay friends It's just wrong and totally unnatural. As already said what two adults get up to behind closed doors is their business but wrong to involve kids :yes:

Mush have you ever asked your brothers thoughts on it,,,,?


Yes mate, it's a very sore topic between us tbh :yes:



I'm dead against it! and I have a gay brother and several gay friends It's just wrong and totally unnatural. As already said what two adults get up to behind closed doors is their business but wrong to involve kids :yes:

Several gay friends eh :hmm: trying to bulk up eh :hmm: wife's left for a year eh :hmm::laugh:


Fuuckin nob head :laugh:


I couldn't give a fec what someone get's up to behind closed doors. My best mate of 30years came out a few years ago what am I supposed to do forget all the years of friendship just because he likes to tickle prostate :blink: besides I have my own dark sexual secrets lol I'm addicted to sex with women :laugh: :laugh:

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It's a tricky one. I hate gays, don't like them, don't have gay mates, never would. But, regarding kids etc. I'm sure Elton's kid will have a better quality of life than some single parent junkie pumping out kids for the social money. I don't think today's generation hold the same stigma to gays as older ones so, as long as the kids going to get a good life, why not. It should be all about the child and whether who ever is adopting them can give them a good life regardless of sexuality.


Im the same BAW.

I dont agree with it at all. Think its total wrong.


But im pretty sure a adopted kid would be better looked after with a couple decent gays or lesbian nice families.


Than not gettin a meal from a mother thats a junkie fooker.

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Too many grey areas for me, see I know a few gay lads......most of them are in very long term committed relationships.

Do I accept it as normal ? no !

Do I have a problem with it? No!


In my world, the very best option is mum and dad bringing up kids.........BUT, from what I can see of it people are so casual about their relationships that it sort of Knicks all that into a cocked hat.


See, kids need stability and love.......so what is worse, a committed gay couple who have been together for ages and will most likely stay together for life or a heterosexual couple who may get divorced, have several relationships with different people constantly coming and going in and out the children's lives?


That to me is more damaging to children.


So, as far as these poor little mites sitting in the kids home with no one to love them......better they are in a permanent loving home with a gay couple than sat in the home or with a fickle heterosexual couple.


Have I changed my views on this? Yes......but to me, when more heterosexual people start taking marriage and relationships a bit more seriously than a pair of socks then they will have room to get all moral about it !



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I'm dead against it! and I have a gay brother and several gay friends It's just wrong and totally unnatural. As already said what two adults get up to behind closed doors is their business but wrong to involve kids :yes:

Mush have you ever asked your brothers thoughts on it,,,,?

Yes mate, it's a very sore topic between us tbh :yes:


I'm dead against it! and I have a gay brother and several gay friends It's just wrong and totally unnatural. As already said what two adults get up to behind closed doors is their business but wrong to involve kids :yes:

Several gay friends eh :hmm: trying to bulk up eh :hmm: wife's left for a year eh :hmm::laugh:

Fuuckin nob head :laugh:


I couldn't give a fec what someone get's up to behind closed doors. My best mate of 30years came out a few years ago what am I supposed to do forget all the years of friendship just because he likes to tickle prostate :blink: besides I have my own dark sexual secrets lol I'm addicted to sex with women :laugh: :laugh:

:laugh: best mate of 30 years just comes out..... My brain would be working overtime, all those drunken blackouts :laugh: tbh, no mates of mine would dare come out, it just wouldn't be worth the slagging, there life's would be a misery :laugh:

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I don't hate homosexuals or any other of the non hetero sexual-orientations. I'm no great fan of it/them but I accept that's the way they are. However I very much support the importance of a traditional family of mum AND dad and both taking their male/female role to teach their children male and female life lessons and how each should behave in society. I find it hard to believe that a same sex couple could achieve that as well.....


That said, there's children out there that need more than what our state social system can give them and if a same sex couple can give them more then I think that is a better choice if no suitable heterosexual couples are available.


Life ain't perfect but we can try to make the best of what we have.

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I dont care what people do in the privacy of their own home, I have the odd gay aquaintance, and to be fair they are ok people, but having kids NO FUC*ING WAY wrong on every level, goes against nature, and in my opinion, we go against nature far too much in this world already, without people whom together cant breed getting kids to bring up.

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Good post that wilf,,,,,I'm torn to be honest,,,,but when you see a good reason as you and baw put up ,,it sways me...

I'm a true believer in reading between the lines..... Now tomo, I've noticed your interested in gays. You constantly referred to them when you were on holiday, you've started this thread, in this post you've admitted your 'torn' and starting to 'sway' :hmm:

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