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Unexpected, But Pleasant Day.

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I took my Nan out for lunch today, and while I was tucking into my steak, I got a text from a friend of a friend, who is running a kind of kids, out doors, bush craft, type camp thing. . . . with a bunch of kids about 10-14. She was saying that they wanted to cook some wild game with the kids, and show them how to prepare it, and give them a real camp fire eating experience. The upshot of it, was that she was wondering if I could provide a couple of fresh rabbits. . .


Well, the season is almost upon us, and it seemed like a good excuse to get out for an hour and have a mooch, with one of the ferrets, and see what was doing. Unfortunately Finn is injured and it looks like he might miss a chunk of the start of the season, which means no lamping, and also that i've lost my ferreting dog. Luckily I still have Gwen, so it was time to see how she faired as a solo ferreting dog. . .


I took one Jill, the dog, and a few nets. I knew that any bolters that weren't netted, were probably going to make a good escape, with the hound baying like feck after them, but probably not connecting! I'd picked out a couple of sets in some horse paddocks, that I knew were free of cover. First set, and a little mithering about from the dog, and we decided it was a no go. Up the field we went and the second was looking much more promising, as Gwen showed some real interest. I netted up, and sat back, with the dog. It was quiet for a fair while, and Gwen stayed nice and calm and waited, not messing with the nets etc, and perking up as the bumping commenced. Moments later, two rabbits bolted at once from the same hole, the first pursing and the second making free and legging it with the hound in pursuit, who ran it across the field, to the fence, and then came back. . . . oh for the whippet! But on the upside she returned pretty quick and didn't munch the ferret on the way back!


We wandered on, and she started following a line well, straight to a nice little three holer in a bank, so I netted up and down went the ferret, quite quickly a rabbit bolted and the net pursed well, but out came the peg, free from the dry soil! Off the furry netted ball rolled down the hill with the hound in pursuit. . . . when it stopped she promptly stood on it and looked at me with a ridiculous expression on her face . . . . . she'll get to hold them soon enough i'm sure, but at least she isnt damaging nets lol.


With that, I had my two rabbits, and off I went to deliver them. When I got there the woman was chuffed and all the kids crowded around. My friend, who had put the woman in contact with me, was there, and suggested that I explain where the rabbits had come from, as the kids thought they had been shot. So out came the ferret, nets, locator and hound. . . . and the kids had a good handle of the jill and a run down on how ferreting works and why we do it. All of the kids handled the ferret and a couple really took to her.


It was then decided that we'd prepare the rabbits then and there, so my mate and I gutted and skinned one each, and I gave the kids a biology lesson (heart, lungs, kidneys etc etc). I was surprised how cool the kids were with it, and when I left they were cooking the rabbits over the fire, while roasting some potatoes at the edge and various other goodies.


Just reminds me that the world isn't totally fecked. . . . and I was pleased with the young hounds actions, hopefully (and despite the obvious flaw in her breeding!) she might just make a wee ferreting dog.


No photos unfortunately as I took my camera. . . . .but not the memory card! :icon_redface:



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nice one mate..great to get started back at it,Even if it is with half a team.

I did a couple of small paddocks and an orchard on Monday at the request of landowner.. still too many young uns running through the nets at the moment.

Shifted a few and kept the owner happy.. not be long before there big enough to eat..lol.

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