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Hiya lads, just out of intrest, how many lads out there feed there dogs raw rabbit as in fur and all, and what affect would it have on the dog,, would it still retrieve? Or just stay where it killed and start eating,, methods and opinions welcome, cheers shaun

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well for instance ive never fed my dog raw rabbit if i was to come home after a nights lamping gut the rabbit and throw it to the dog,, the next time i went lamping would the dog just think mmmm i can eat this?????? shaun

It would possibly think that ive done all the work and that lazy baskey cannot even be bothered to make me a nice 3 course meal or even treat me to a takeaway,he,s just slung me a smelly gutted rodent and im supposed to be happy with that?.

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whole carcass diet's are a good way to put some real nice condition in a dog,heard it said it causes worms,never had a problem with them myself,the rabbit fur is supposed to be a natural wormer,as for eating the catch,that would probably depend on the dog,my old dog has been known to pull the guts out of them,whereas my younger dog wont touch

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I have fed the fur on and fur off, minced quartered etc. personally I opt for the skin off either minced for better storage of cut in half.
The most important thing is to freeze for 2-3 weeks minimum to kill any tape worm cysts, as one thing is for sure that if you feed enough raw rabbit without freezing your dog will more than likely get tape worm.
Good luck Sirius

Edited by Sirius
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