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Cracking Mooch To End The Season.

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fitchet: all praise to you for getting inside that dog's head and finding the path to success with him. I lived with a very similar dog for 5 years, and although I'd had him from a pup, he too was feral in his head, though his one redeeming feature was that he did bring back to me what he had caught: I always felt highly honoured when he let me take the game from him.

I really think someone should write a book on how to live with a Saluki type, because they are so different to 'domesticated' dogs aren't they!

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Thanks for the kind replies people. Skycat the dog was pretty much feral he didnt know anything about people and didnt want to. if im honest he was more of a liability then a working dog.


The first time i took him him ferreting i bolted one for him and he chased it to a piece of gorse and stood there marking the gorse for 3 hours !! I just carried on ferreting and bolting bunnies and as soon as he heard a rabbit sqeal he came flying back i dispatched the rabbit put his lead on gave him the rabbit and let him carry it home. My thought was praise means nothing to him but a kill does so thats his reward. I started carrying a rabbit skin around and a long line and everytime i called him he got a good rag on the skin and plenty of praise.


I mentioned earlier that he was so nervous that he didnt walk on a lead. So i had to teach him that when i put the lead on him it meant he was going for a walk and play wich wasnt too difficult.


He isnt a titbit and bot of praise sort of dog so i had to condition him to please me before he was of any use.


I was told by more than one person to "give him a cartridge and be done with it. And dont get me wrong there were times when i thought i was gonna have to. Like the time he ran a roe through a woodland and i lost him for 2 days. Or the time he f****d off for 5 hours and when he did eventually come back i had to praise him. Like i said inhuman amounts of patience. But we got there in the end. There are many many more times and problems we had to deal with but id rather look to next season when i can give him a good crack of the whip and see what hes made of. Heres a few pics from this season. Atb







Just out of curiosity,do you know how he is bred?...hes a cracker and very much like my old dog :thumbs:

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Brilliant mate, it's seems its getting rarer to find people who put the time and effort in that's required... First signs of problems get rid and bring in another would appear to be the way... Not only did you have the patience you also had the initiative to find the right training to get the required results for you.. Really well done..


The lad I hunt with has brought his pup on this year the sire was full saluki and he has tested his patience to the max, but the results are starting to come now for him.. He puts hell of a lot of time in and his pup is turning into an all round decent pot filler, the recall is there the retrieve is nearly there plus he works nicely with the ferrets... The biggest thing he has found is the patience required, no shouting or bollocking it only makes it worse praise and reward would seem to be the only way....


I don't know if this is the same for all heavily saluki saturated dogs, personally I've not seen enough to know, but it would seem they have to be handled a bit differently to get the best out of them


Again well done, good post

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I take my Hat off to you, you have found away to get into his mind without fear, they test your patience even when you have reared them from a pup, and he looks a very handy dog for all edible, I hope you have a long lasting companionship, and many fruitfull days,, together,

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Thanks very much for the kind replies. Yes skycat they are deffinitly funny old dogs and trying to get them working for you is deffinitly a challenge.


When i bought him i was told he was out of c.n buddy. Not that names really matter to me.


I can think of atleast half a dozen dogs that had potential but were given away. And those dogs are sat in rescues or someone kennel becuase they are scared to slip them. I cant say much becuase i was like that when i first got him.


Dont get me wrong he isnt perfect but imo there is no such dog. But one thing hes got is heart and thats the main thing. The rest can be worked or will come with time and experiance. Thanks again for the replies. All the best

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well done for giving a dog a chance ,too many people balk at the 1st signs of hard work and training ,patience is the key and i been one have not a great deal

to be honest thats why i would probably never get a saluki x ,your breed has to suite you and your qualites not just the terrain you hunt on to give you and your animal a fair crack of the whip to make a good combination


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