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be honest nothing surprises me ,.....we had a job to do for an estate it was to get out some squatters so we went in at 5 am to give them a surprise and half were up high on drugs still ....there was me being all amicable but me mates had different ideas ...any way we got them out and they ran to the nearest phone and called the old bill ............and they made me mate take down the ply he just scewed on to the door way and let them back in couldnt believe it what a joke.............

criminals have as much right as innocent everday people , ............and they wonder why they reaffend, ......

the only way of sorting this out socks is to drop on him somewhere away from his house so he dont recognise you......but then is it worth it when you got a family i would personaly get someone else to do it .........who he would never recognise ,,,,,,

the law are a waste of time,...........you try to do the right thing and they just sh$t on you ...........instead of giving you a pat on the back.......

trouble is now when is he going to do it again..........is it worth getting into trouble for someone who dont help there self.................

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I will try and keep a long story as short as possible .....   A couple of Saturdays ago my youngest daughter rung me in the local hysterical saying that one of my neighbours had battered his misses

I know what your saying mate but some women ain't strong enough ... She is in her late forties and has 4 kids that he would not let her get anywhere near if she had left him or prosecuted him ... He h

This woman is terrified of him guys she was clinging to me like a vice sobbing pittyfully and begging me not to leave her ... He has systimatically beat her and broke her into a shell of what she was

Well in Socks you acted like a proper chap should and did the right thing :thumbs: ................however i cant help thinking women like that are a lost cause i cant have much pity for people who willingly become victims,i accept some folk are mentally and emotionally weak.....but if a situation is bad enough you learn from it and dont return to it......where does it end,are you willing to become this private security guard on a permanant basis ?.....are you going to accept responsibility if god forbid something terrible did happen to her and you wasnt around..........................its something people shouldnt put on others.......you was a good citizen and did the decent thing in a 1 off situation..............the rest has to be down to her in my opinion.


I know what your saying mate but some women ain't strong enough ... She is in her late forties and has 4 kids that he would not let her get anywhere near if she had left him or prosecuted him ... He has mentally and physically broken her down so that she is so afraid of him there is nothing she can do .........


Before we met my misses was seeing a similar piece of shit but she was strong enough to feck him off ... His face was a peach when he came hammering on her door one night threatening all sorts and I opened it ... I think was going to say who the f**k are you ... But he only managed who the fu .......


So apart from being obliged to look after my neighbours and friends I can understand on a personnel level the fear and helplessness this poor woman feels ......


If something happens to her that I can't help then that's life .... But if something happens to her because I turned a blind eye or washed my hands of the situation then that's different ...............

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Socks, you're a man of real honour! I think that's clear to everyone. I only hope I would have the moral substance to do the same. This doesn't sound like the sorta woman that likes c**ts and a bit of a slapping. She sounds like she has been fecking tortured and mentally broken!


I don't know you from Adam but the little impression I've built up of you from this site you're a man with skills and experiences that this fella really shouldn't wanna f**k with. I might be wrong but just a few things you have said etc.


Well done and hopefully the poor woman will get the confidence to press charges but it'll take a lot of strength from her to do that. :thumbs:

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Socks you sound like a proper stand up fella..... and its great to have the values and morals you have................having been in situations of this nature ( not over women ) but standing up for weak people.....i know only too well what its like to take on certain responsibilities that put you in a position you really shouldnt be put in..........where you can easily end up letting folk down through no fault of your own when weak people come to rely on you.........i wont go into detail on my own learning curve of the subject but i swore to myself that where this type of situation is concerned i will do anything for anyone once........but once only.

Doesnt take away the fact that your stance is admireable though you sound a good man.

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Socks you sound like a proper stand up fella..... and its great to have the values and morals you have................having been in situations of this nature ( not over women ) but standing up for weak people.....i know only too well what its like to take on certain responsibilities that put you in a position you really shouldnt be put in..........where you can easily end up letting folk down through no fault of your own when weak people come to rely on you.........i wont go into detail on my own learning curve of the subject but i swore to myself that where this type of situation is concerned i will do anything for anyone once........but once only.

Doesnt take away the fact that your stance is admireable though you sound a good man.


Gnasher I know exactly where your coming from and I have thrown it around in my head a hundred times and my misses is on to me to step back as obviously family could be involved with this fella due to his " occupation" ... BUT I have three girls and I would like t think they would run to me first if any piece of shit touched them BUT if hey didn't then I pray that somebody had the moral courage to back them up .... As a father of girls I am sure you feel the same .........

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You'll wonder why you bothered when you're sitting in a cell ........


He broke her spirit, because she let him, forget you ever saw her or heard her name it's nothing to do with you and who will look after your family when you're locked up after you do him in.


Priorities are what's it's all about and some half dead victim who doesn't know when she's had enough shouldn't be top of your list.

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I will try and keep a long story as short as possible .....


A couple of Saturdays ago my youngest daughter rung me in the local hysterical saying that one of my neighbours had battered his misses and wouldn't let her out of the house ... I ran up the road to the house where my other neighbour was on the phone relaying everything to the police the woman was in the bathroom window sobbing I tried in vain to get the fella to talk to me .. Anyway after a while she turned towards me and could see her face had been battered she was swollen and black and blue and bleeding as she turned she said he has got a knife help me .....


That was it for me I kicked the back door of the house in ran up the stairs telling the fella to get the feck out of my way ... He ran into the bedroom and i grabbed his misses who was close to collapsing and carried her outside and handed over to my wife and she was in some state ... I turned to go back in and batter seven bells of shit out of this fella when the police turned up and stopped me ......


The guy was arrested for Gbh and taken away ... Now 3 weeks earlier he had done the same and broke her fingers she told us all that he had locked her up for 3 days and had been torturing her ... Her whole body was covered in cuts and bruises .....


She wouldn't give the police a statement as he had told her that if she did then he would kill her ...


Because of the previouse offence and now this one the cops told her that they will be taking him on that way she would be safe .......


Well low and behold they are now saying they can do nothing and his bail restrictions are lifted so he can come and go as he pleases ... Not enough evidence they reckon ... They have my account of what happened they have the telephone conversion from the 999 call they have pictures of 27 different injures on her body but they don't have enough evidence .......


NOW THE ICING ON THE CAKE .... Coppers paid me a visit today and cautioned me to stay away from the fella as I was heard on the night telling him if he ever came back I would fleck him over ......


If I spoke to him or whent near him and he complained I would be arrested ..........




first of all well done for wat you did mate.

as for the cops not surprised

you did the right thing then you got to stay out of that c**ts way wat a joke.

you can beat up girls. tuch up kids.mug old age.and you can get off scot free kill a hare and thay want to string you up by the balls this country needs to wake up and sort out the real problems we have

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Ken, first off i dont understand why you have brought this here? Are you nutts?

Comendable your efforts are, no doubt, No one wants to see a helpless person, beit male or female in strife as you describe.

I sence that by bringing it to the attention of the internet, you have done yourself a diservice and could potentially bring yourself in the view of the authorities with any further action you may take.

We are not mates, as you already know, but i would not like to see you brought to some injustice over some shitty reason that you thought you needed to get involved with.

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Rest assured at some point in the future the scummy dirty horrible bast..d will get his Karma right back at him... If he,s a drug dealer he will have countless enemies who he has ripped off and skanked over the years..So at some point it will all catch up with him..or he might get a bad batch of something and do himself an injury and have no one to help him out. . .

He's one or our great nations untouchables these days..the law is there to protect him from the good citizens of the world. . . and he knows it..its all a big game to his sort..they know how to play and manipulate the system to there full advantage.

One of my family runs one of these half way house type refuge hostels..the stories I could tell also would make for an interesting book.


Ken I can assure you this..he will be back and in that house living with her before xmas is over.. and she will ask you to keep your nose out when you challenge him or her.


My advice mate... tell him your watching him.. and then forget about him and her and go enjoy your own Xmas with your own lovely family.


It will all kick off again in the new year thats for sure..so enjoy the rest..lol.


PS.. anyone worried about security etc etc.. I bought a few wireless IP cameras for my property..£40 each off Ebay etc etc..they can email me when any movement is sensored and video the cause of motion plus take 6 snapshots immediatly.. . I can then look on my phone at the live video feed from my cameras at any point as long as I've got a wifi or 3G internet connection etc etc.. I can honestly say its the best peace of mind I've ever had for £40. . .it gives me the chance to have a look and then decide if I need to phone the police and neighbours immediatly. .plus if you wire a speaker up you can also talk and listen to the visitors..its almost like being able to answer the door without being in the house.

have a look online chaps. . 3 cameras is cheaper than a standard alarm system.

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Rest assured at some point in the future the scummy dirty horrible bast..d will get his Karma right back at him... If he,s a drug dealer he will have countless enemies who he has ripped off and skanked over the years..So at some point it will all catch up with him..or he might get a bad batch of something and do himself an injury and have no one to help him out. . .

He's one or our great nations untouchables these days..the law is there to protect him from the good citizens of the world. . . and he knows it..its all a big game to his sort..they know how to play and manipulate the system to there full advantage.

One of my family runs one of these half way house type refuge hostels..the stories I could tell also would make for an interesting book.


Ken I can assure you this..he will be back and in that house living with her before xmas is over.. and she will ask you to keep your nose out when you challenge him or her.


My advice mate... tell him your watching him.. and then forget about him and her and go enjoy your own Xmas with your own lovely family.


It will all kick off again in the new year thats for sure..so enjoy the rest..lol.


PS.. anyone worried about security etc etc.. I bought a few wireless IP cameras for my property..£40 each off Ebay etc etc..they can email me when any movement is sensored and video the cause of motion plus take 6 snapshots immediatly.. . I can then look on my phone at the live video feed from my cameras at any point as long as I've got a wifi or 3G internet connection etc etc.. I can honestly say its the best peace of mind I've ever had for £40. . .it gives me the chance to have a look and then decide if I need to phone the police and neighbours immediatly. .plus if you wire a speaker up you can also talk and listen to the visitors..its almost like being able to answer the door without being in the house.

have a look online chaps. . 3 cameras is cheaper than a standard alarm system.

thanks but i dont need security .....i got me self a DONK.......lol :D

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You need too look at the bigger picture. You give him a good hiding and say you get 6 months while your munching through cake looking for a file the wife sent you. He is stretched out in hospital being fed grapes and having his sweaty brow mopped by the victim. He also puts in a claim for compo which he gets off you or the government if your skint and using that to get drunk every night and dish out more abuse. So you lose big time.

There is only one person in the scenario that can turn things around and that is the poor lass her self. She needs support and encouragement and hopefully one day she may make a stand.

Be leave me I can see where your coming from but it wont help unfortunately

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