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Update on Border Collie x Whippet Pups at 9 months

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Storm: Is becoming better and better at everything she does due to her high standard of intelligence & obedience, and I couldn't be happier with her retrieving and recall. I would say she's the one that has inherited the sire's brainpower the most. She has not got the same pace as her mum but still keeps really tight to her and i'm sure she will get faster.















Tinchy: is the fastest between the three pups but her fast pace counts for very little

until I can get more obedience training done with her as it can be a bit of a challenge to get her to stop once she's off, which has almost caused a couple of nasty accidents. I'm sure she will improve more and more as she matures.









Chico: Has shown very good improvement in the past month or so, especially concerning his retrieving, recall and pace. Intelligence, strength, are strong points with him but he's the one with the most courage so to speek, always first to investigate and balls of steel. My 50kg Akita is his best mate and sparing partner lol. He's a bit heavy in the pics because of a change in his diet recently, but will get him back into shape in no time.













Thanks for looking :victory:

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Storm: Is becoming better and better at everything she does due to her high standard of intelligence & obedience, and I couldn't be happier with her retrieving and recall. I would say she's the

As long as they don't get as many injury's as the owner they be OK we get out during the week for few rabbits for them

PMSL.........Aye mate I think I had picked up more injuries last season than all the dogs on this site put together

looking good paddy.it would be intresting to follow these pups progress as they mature and start to work. best of luck with them.could make for a intresting follow on topic. atb. :thumbs:

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their a credit to you mate, in good nick :thumbs:

i had a 3/4 whippet collie, stood 21 1/2 ", plenty of brain

took everything put in front of her, but excelled at ferreting

i'm sure you wont need it but good luck with them

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