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Sorry to here tht id be devistated if my am bull dog killed my pup but id never put me or the dogs In tht situation.


P.s no offence but pet r no id gt tht rottie bitch tae feck could be a wain r sumbody elses dog next time its a liability. Atb with situation mate

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So you honestly think that it is acceptable to keep dogs which are liable to kill each other? The whole nature of 'dog' is that it is (or should be) a sociable creature. Dogs are pack animals, but w

Sorry to here that pal and you won't like to here this but that's bad management. It's an awful way to learn but learnt you have. Sorry mate.

Deffinately your own fault for not having the kennel 100% safe........ you said that they had never showed any aggression to each other so you wouldn't be expecting such a thing to happen, just wonder

Hi, matey, you don't know me as just joined (though used forum a lot for advice info. etc)


Anyway, that's awful. Have three salukis and can empathise with how you must be feeling. I once had an awful experience of my beloved terrier being torn apart by two big lurchers who had lived with her for years then suddenly just decided to get shut of her.


It's really traumatic to lose a dog like that - heartfelt condolences



*** Hindsight is a great thing, pity life don't have a rewind button, you learned the really hard way re. your dogs, as did I. Very sad**

Edited by GypsyJoe
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Do you work the Rottweiler that killed the Saluki ?

No shes just pet/guard dog


Two different things mate, one is a pet, the other is a working dog.


If you have a "pet" that kills other dogs, then that dog is a liabilty and needs put down. NOT passed on or sold.


It`s tragic what happened to your lurcher, but you have to make the correct decision about what to do next.

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sad post for all involved. posts like this are all to frequent. and its the dogs that suffer. rights or wrongs are all bye the bye now and its time to make safe.

sentiment shouldnt come into it. just good old common sense. and kennel managment. if the rotti cant be trusted with other dogs and is a danger to them'

even a slight danger then its best to put to sleep. or you or someone else may end up in the same situation. all the best in the future. cs

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Have to say I agree with all the lads who are suggesting the dog be put to sleep. The dog can not be a pet and is a liability as a guard dog if it has such an apptitude to kill another dog at the drop of a hat.


I most certainly would not risk passing this dog to anyone else, as the possible consequences are dire

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thanks every1 for the advice ect.. just one ting to say, i av the rotts 3years and have kept other dogs also for nearly two of them years its not that she is an aggressive dog towards other dogs actually the total opposite. in my opnion it was an attack of jeasouly as i had been spending alot of time trying to bond with the saluki and not enough time with her not condoning her actions only trying to say theres a reason everything happens. so her is my question why should she be put down for MY MISTAKES!!!

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Sorry to hear of your loss... Better security in the way of padlocks, bars, etc. is a much better and cheaper option in the long run than keeping a dog for security.

didnt get them as guard dogs got em as pets before i got into hunting but make dam good guard dogs, as for chains ect.. depends where you live, where i live you could drive a truck through the gates if you wanted and no one would hear a ting as no neighbours for a mile or so
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