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Just to add to the thread,,,I know most have seen the pic befor,,,but possibly not tree hands ....   Venus ,,half minshaw,,half coursing dog,,,littler sister to swift,,the black and white bitch fran

I wasn't ever going to comment on this thread ever , I wasn't prepared to say anything about the breed or the men although I've seen a few run and know a lot of the men mentioned including victor gh

I did manage to find a single photograph all be it not a great one. Can't really remember the night but the blue bitch in the picture belonged to my old mate from Workington.   The Handsome guy in

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POACHERSPOCKET22 how do you think the new stock will fare out,i personally seen alot of the old stuff work,ran with minshaw back then,i like the look of what your produceing now,your don dog i think would of made a name for itself back then,if look were anything to go by,game not as plentiful as it was then,

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The Don dog :thumbs: ...ugliest cur in the land well maybe except for his son Reggie... :laugh: :laugh:


It's funny mate, cos those are the ones that catch my eye, Don, Reggie, Bulpha etc, to me they look absolutly spot on :thumbs:

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Hey up mate,I think the new gang are doing not so bad to be honest? Just with the way the hunting laws are now I don't think we will ever really get to see or atleast hear how the different generations truly compare? If you ran with the old crew you'll know that the majority of MINSHAW bred dogs were successful when it came to rabbits,hares and deer and with two of those off the agenda due to the ban nowadays the new generation are never gonna get the chance to really see what they are capable of? This was one of the reasons why I personally swayed to getting Don,I also took onboard Swift at around the same time kind of hoping that with the forthcoming elections soon to be held the following spring after her birth may of seen the ban get overturned? We were all led to believe that it could happen BUT again we were lied to be spineless feckwits. Just to say Swift is out of a coursing bred bitch and my own MINSHAW dog Jack,she would hopefully of been my ace card for the big bunnies? All you can do is just keep on keeping on at the end of the day! ATB Andy

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great thread and pics poacherspocket! :thumbs: thanks for sharing. best thread on the lurcher section in a long time , i enjoyed the write ups last season from the dales and cant believe you get the odd idiot that always got sumat negative to say( dales rabbits are easy etc) credit where its due your dogs do THE business ( really like the don dog) atb sesku


Thanks mate..the mutts do not too bad for the most of the time anyway BUT they certainly have their off moments but fortunately not very often! Here's the Don dog with Frankel enjoying a day in the Lake District..ATB Andy. :thumbs:



nice dog pal bet thats got plenty wind
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Hey up mate,I think the new gang are doing not so bad to be honest? Just with the way the hunting laws are now I don't think we will ever really get to see or atleast hear how the different generations truly compare? If you ran with the old crew you'll know that the majority of MINSHAW bred dogs were successful when it came to rabbits,hares and deer and with two of those off the agenda due to the ban nowadays the new generation are never gonna get the chance to really see what they are capable of? This was one of the reasons why I personally swayed to getting Don,I also took onboard Swift at around the same time kind of hoping that with the forthcoming elections soon to be held the following spring after her birth may of seen the ban get overturned? We were all led to believe that it could happen BUT again we were lied to be spineless feckwits. Just to say Swift is out of a coursing bred bitch and my own MINSHAW dog Jack,she would hopefully of been my ace card for the big bunnies? All you can do is just keep on keeping on at the end of the day! ATB Andy



so what x is a minshaw then :icon_eek: :icon_eek: :toast:

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not taking nowt way from any the other mutts, but that reggie is a real nice type :thumbs:

I'm of the same opinion I also like Chief aswell, they're "well built" hard to guage on pics but I'd imagine taller versions of Bulpa.

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My second youngest lad Kieran and his friend a (farmer's son) have been on the lookout for a poultry thief this past week or so,thinking there was just one culprit yesterday evening they saw not one but two together,positioning themselves behind the hedgerow and giving a call one proceeded to high tail it with immediate effect and the other was more intrigued and decided to come in for a closer look...BIG MISTAKE :yes: .. two barrels let off and still charlie boy legged it,possibly at the end of range for a clean kill? So Don was sent to investigate...and when the lads went around the corner of the hedgerow they could see the dogs tail erect with it's head downwards into the lengthening grass...Don has a passion of hatred for these and was still with the limp carcass a full five minutes later :blink: ..the boys may have been lucky and got the culprit but then again maybe not? Time will tell i'd guess,the other lads father was happy anyway but we'll see? ATB Andy. ;)



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This is the Chester dog (Jack x Kelsey)..one of my favourite dogs of ALL time and it wasn't because i home bred him it was just the dog oozed that bit of class,we had some great times hunting with him of that there is no doubt! ATB Andy. :thumbs:



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This is for Minshaw Man :thumbs: ..this is the brother to Chester and sire to your bitch...it's Red when he was just a pup :victory: ...ATB Andy. ;)

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Took masses in a week EDRD with the Chester dog,he got some serious graft as a young dog,i'm quite surprised we never finished him off by his 2nd season lol...brilliant to watch he was,speed,strike,general all round fieldcraft,you know the type,ran clever when needed be,had the gears and knew exactly as and when to use them,would retrieve from anywhere and through and over anything,he was just a pleasure to go out with,he wasn't a dog bred or used much on the teethed variety but we had them with him,GH had his doubts about him as a young dog,but i told him to persevere with him and he came good infact bloody fantastic lol...as for Joe's dogs Moscow (now gone to the big hunting grounds in the sky) and Maurice they are the real deal mate,i like the Maurice dog myself..he's probably got most of the old Minshaw type blood in him then other dog that i know of in the country meaning closest to Minshaw's Blue via his parents?,ATB Andy. :victory:

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