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Weights & body building

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Buttermilk is the colour of my hair!!! Body builder i have never been, i'm into keeping fit. A mate of mine is a body builder, i take him out on the hil and he's fooked within half an hour of tramping through heather, i'm 44 years old and can still run 6 mile runs every morning i weigh 13 stone and look like nothing in a crowd, but i'm fit' healthy and happy. I watch my mate at the gym and can't help feeling a bit WTF is going on when he starts all the eyeing himself up in the mirror whilst trying to give himself a brain burst. Each to there own.

What you se is what you get from me, why bullshit the world and yourself.

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What a ridiculous pile of nonsense..........what a miserable life it would be if folk just settled for what they have and had no desire to improve........no point doing overtime when you already have

Buttermilk is the colour of my hair!!! Body builder i have never been, i'm into keeping fit. A mate of mine is a body builder, i take him out on the hil and he's fooked within half an hour of tramping

lab I know I promised not to show the lads this but I think they would be proud of your progress Keep up the good work pal :laugh:      

I find the buttermilk remark as the contentious post here but don't give a toss what others think of me as i am honest with myself firstly.

The lobster tube remark is a bit of humor as i am a bit of a joker.

Oh and my gramar in the last post is shit as i've been drinking beer all afternoon with friends.

I've nothing more to say on this post, have a good one folks.


Atb Chris

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IMO anyone that spends any more than 2 or 3 hours a week doing weights (apart from competitive sports people) is suffering from an inferiority complex and are on a mission to make up for what they lack in other areas. Virtually every gym in the country will have a few short men who are wider than they are tall, who spend every spare minute taking it in turns watching each other bench press as much as they can......small man syndrome I believe it's called :yes:


And just so these people are aware, anyone that is looking at them isn't doing it out of admiration or respect, they're just looking and thinking "what a tit!" :laugh:

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Lol Rob,

I can't disagree with most of that post dude, i still say each to there own though but when i see the tight T shirt and huge muscles in a club or something i do snigger a bit.

I also understand that it can get addictive, i was doing 9/10 miles daily runs 2 years ago just for the buzz and i think there is an element of this with some of these guys, but i'd hate to look like someone had stuck an air hose up my arse and inflated me.

Its not healthy carrying that weight either like i said my bud couldn't even run 2 miles without a massive lactic acid attack and a 300 bpm stopping him dead in his tracks.

Right i'm off to get even more pissed


Atb with whatever you do guys.

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The handiest doorman I ever saw was about 50 odd and looked like a vicar and was a nicer bloke as you could wish to meet, even the massive black dudes wouldn't f**k with him and they were giants!!!


Some lads want to look big and some lads want to be fit.......I think the second type is the most sensible.




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I think half the people here get intimidated by big meat heads lol


it's just a hobby that some people enjoy,it doesn't make it wrong or make them all insecure (people saying that need to look at themselves)


body builders are also usually pretty fit.

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IMO anyone that spends any more than 2 or 3 hours a week doing weights (apart from competitive sports people) is suffering from an inferiority complex and are on a mission to make up for what they lack in other areas. Virtually every gym in the country will have a few short men who are wider than they are tall, who spend every spare minute taking it in turns watching each other bench press as much as they can......small man syndrome I believe it's called :yes:


And just so these people are aware, anyone that is looking at them isn't doing it out of admiration or respect, they're just looking and thinking "what a tit!" :laugh:


What a ridiculous pile of nonsense..........what a miserable life it would be if folk just settled for what they have and had no desire to improve........no point doing overtime when you already have enough money to live.....no point in promotion when you already have nice things.........no point breeding good dogs when the ones you have do the job.........

So if a bunch of men are in an enclosed building minding their business,harming nobody and helping each other improve their strength and fitness gaining knowledge and sharing a hobby striving to improve.......................they are inferiority complex suffering,small men syndrome tits !!!............What would you prefer they were doing sitting in front of the tv stuffing their faces with burgers chips beer and smoking fags ?

Just about sums up how physically and mentally lazy and stale this country is becoming.............

Dont go out jogging for more than 20 minutes per day,dont go to a gym and lift weights for more than 20 minutes per day...............or you have an inferiority complex..........sit in a pub getting pissed out your nut or smoke some nasty shit that will make you lose your mind.......and your one of the lads :thumbs: .........what a strange reversed world some people live in !

Edited by gnasher16
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Some very thought provoking stuff Gnasher, it has made me re-think my general opinion as what you said made a lot of sense.

If I think about it seriously, my whole experience of body builders has , but for a very few, been a fairly negative one but as you say this was outside of a gym, they were mostly the tit element of door staff that you and strong stuff describe and we got along badly within 4 nano seconds of clapping eyes on each other.......this would be to every place I went to no matter where, must be my ugly mug I suppose.

All of this of course gives me a very one sided view of things, which is a bit silly really.

I am too old to go to places that require door staff now and I have not drunk for nearly 20 years so I have no experiences of these things that are modern and relevant.

The few really nice lads were fitness fanatics first and foremost and weights were a part of that training, but a big part.

I could relate to them because as you said they were testing themselves physically and mentally.


In defence of most average blokes, they will find it a little hard to relate to any hobby where a man seems to concentrate on his appearance ( or so it is perceived by those not in the know) so the first thing blokes do is take the piss and make assumptions.....that's just blokes I reckon.

It's much easier for your average punter to relate to winning a race or scoring a goal, they can understand that better.

Not saying its right, just an opinion.


Some good posts chaps, certainly made me think again.

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FFS wat sort of jobs do these people do [bANNED TEXT] they can go to the gym and start pumping iron then find time to hunt with their dogs i know i never had time [bANNED TEXT] i was hod carrying and scaffolding as i would have been to fekin knackerd.

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I find the buttermilk remark as the contentious post here but don't give a toss what others think of me as i am honest with myself firstly.

The lobster tube remark is a bit of humor as i am a bit of a joker.

Oh and my gramar in the last post is shit as i've been drinking beer all afternoon with friends.

I've nothing more to say on this post, have a good one folks.


Atb Chris


The Buttermilk comment was reference to an ex member on here, I wasn't meaning you!


My point was that any of us can crack on that we are anything on here, it's only the internet, it doesn't matter.

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FFS wat sort of jobs do these people do [bANNED TEXT] they can go to the gym and start pumping iron then find time to hunt with their dogs i know i never had time [bANNED TEXT] i was hod carrying and scaffolding as i would have been to fekin knackerd.


i know what you mean, when i worked out and done karate for 3 years, it was very hard with doing 8 hours work as well. I would do 8 hours work (heavy) stacking 3000 kegs a day in my job, then go down the jim or train karate. And you had really dig deep in your self to train for 3-5 hours as i was fecked to start with . They lads down there that never worked in the day, only on the doors. And standing about for 4 -5 hours on a door (aint) like proper days work , i know as i done some door work at couple of local pubs to help a mate out few times. And i know what was the hardest work was :yes:

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FFS wat sort of jobs do these people do [bANNED TEXT] they can go to the gym and start pumping iron then find time to hunt with their dogs i know i never had time [bANNED TEXT] i was hod carrying and scaffolding as i would have been to fekin knackerd.


i know what you mean, when i worked out and done karate for 3 years, it was very hard with doing 8 hours work as well. I would do 8 hours work (heavy) stacking 3000 kegs a day in my job, then go down the jim or train karate. And you had really dig deep in your self to train for 3-5 hours as i was fecked to start with . They lads down there that never worked in the day, only on the doors. And standing about for 4 -5 hours on a door (aint) like proper days work , i know as i done some door work at couple of local pubs to help a mate out few times. And i know what was the hardest work was :yes:

But did you go out go out lamping and wat not for hours on end after doing both.
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