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dogs on tredmills

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Im not goping to go through all the drivel written by the keyboard experts ...but I have a treadmill for the dogs both terriers and lurchers and its a handy bit of kit which can be used for various r

One problem with that (It's how i thought it would work too) They are big machines, too big for the house, and you cannot just stick a dog on and leave it you have to be there.

Lots of advice from people who dont know much about treadmills and getting a dog fit imo....a slat or carpet mill can be a GREAT supplement to getting ANY working dog fit...you can also ruin a dog on

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if i had to use atread mill cause i cant get outo hunt walk dogs run them behind pick up i would be starting to think this is not for me the dog game ie hunting coursing whatever , only reason i see abenefit with treadmills some dogs cant be trusted so you have got them under control or like greyhounds theyll do more harm than good free running at times ,got its pluse treadmills etc but not a must to have good dogs far from it


right i awoke at 9 this morning, whole house had a lay in :D quick wash, brew, ferrets an dogs seen to an away ferreting by half 9ish, we walked half a mile or so the dogs hunting up an marking any hot holes we come to, ferreted a few spot an was back home for half 2 ish, dogs had been out an seen some game, opened there lungs a few times but were not happy with they got, we had to finish earlier than normal as its new years eve an folk had plans, so when i got home, bitch was busting to get on the mill, so while i sorted out the catch an my gear she done a few extra miles, ill be out again tonite an my bitch knows it, as she aint been fed yet :D she is still up for going out, an so am i, now where am i going wrong with the mill??? [please 1 of you experts tell me :tongue2:


I was off to bed but i had to reply to this,,... i know what you mean about the dog/bitch not satisfied with their usual every day activity and coming back still full of life :thumbs: my little bitch Leia when shes really fit will come home and racing in and out the bloody hallway into the garden after i've walked bloody miles, :blink: as if to say, i've still got energy when the rest, OK there older, look ready for food and bed. :yes: Leia wears me out, i can't ware her out... :no: but i wouldn't have her any other way,.. ;) can't see your doing anything wrong, just keep doing what makes the mutts happy imo. Happy New year all...... :boogy: :boogy: :boogy::toast:

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kittle ile be going a big one tomoz up by ,need a bag carrier lol a big nite like i took you when your were just a youngster ,just back from my last hunt of year , good sport ,no treadmills tanks lol just sweat and sport , al the best to 2o12 ,

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i suppose treadmills can have there uses , never needed one myself ,has keep only 2animals ,mooching out and about and slowly getting the animal right with work, THATS THE WAY I HAVE ALLWAYS BEEN TAUGHT . MY PAL HAS A WALKING MACHINE set up on the greyhound yd accomodates half a dozen at a time . BUT he 120hounds to see to prepare for each and every race meeting i suppose without the exercise padocks and modern walkers plus the water tubs , they would be really up against it ,with competitors . AYE swings and roundabouts ,, atb for the new yr folks bunnys.

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AUCK ,,,,,does it matter lol treadmills wont teach yer dog to hunt or act probaly in the feild,,,,,,but i know alot off running dog plls will use them,,,,i see them as an extra,,,,if ya cant get enough free running for yer pooches



p,s i only agreed with whin in 2011 ,,,,,its now 2012 lol lol



but common guys run yer dog few miles behind jeep,,,,which i use to do in 80,s or 90,s ,,,or run them behind lure ,,,2 /3times a week,,,,,beats a treadmill hands down,,,,,,,but mooching and hunting dogs in feild ,,,,beats them ALL,,,as there no substitute,,,,for doing it without the tecno aids ,,,,remeber that young guys ,,,,theres no easy way,,,,hardwork always pays

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never used treadmills for dogs prefer behind jeep on back roads , and free hunting in areas were there not much game but enough to keep them intrested , just back from my last hunt in 2011 good sport and free running plenty half chances as its cover and little clearings but nothing to get them opend up but enough to keep them intrested , i think trotting on back roads farm tracts bets a treadmill or just free hunting and if injured leash him up and walk him , all the best for 2012 , away again tomoz , pastures new lol


nobody is saying to replace free running or hunting up, or even trotting next to the jeep/quad/horse or bike whin, why cant it be used in addition to them :blink:


You know, you don't have to justify to anyone on here why you do what you do, i stopped trying ages ago :D

You cannot change peoples minds if they are stuck in their ways.

Just do what you do, and enjoy it :victory:

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aye bringing a animal to peak fitness can be achievement in itself , some have and dont know how to get one there , it dont happen over night ar ina few weeks dare say theres some animals who have never reached the maxum in fitness , its true seen time and time again . atb bunnys.

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ive read a bit bit of this thread and it seems to be alot of arguments again!!! i dont see anything wrong with owning or using a treadmill for dogs.simply because with the best will in the world something will always crop up at some point and the dog should always have some excercise, but i think running your dog in the field is always going to be the best answer.but it never hurts to have a back up in place



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aye bringing a animal to peak fitness can be achievement in itself , some have and dont know how to get one there , it dont happen over night ar ina few weeks dare say theres some animals who have never reached the maxum in fitness , its true seen time and time again . atb bunnys.


bunnys ive seen some dogs sit on sofa,,,,and come out and preform at the highest level,,,,,I HATE THEM LOL as they never fall in my lap lol,,,,,it called natural abbility,,,,i,e dont matter what u do with dog it will preform


if its a inexperanced guy ,,and goes and get another pup,,,,he or she wont repeat it ,,,,its like winning the lottery,,,,,but those dogs are in a diffrent ball park


guys that produce ,,,concently they are worker,s ,,,,,and produce time and time again,,,,,,if they use teardmill ,,,and get results ,,,,i think fair play to them,,,,but those guys that use them and compete at highest level in the feild,,,,know ,,,the dog has to know feild craft ,more time has to be spent there than on techno aids,,,unless there luckly enough to have the natrual freak dog at there side ,,,without it ,,,they may aswell bring a poddle lol

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I wouldnt use a mill for any dog under 12 months old, but it would deffo have short stints on it to teach it how to use one...six months, a few leash walks and messing about is more than enough, sometimes to much if the pups boistrus!..lol...no ONE method will get the MOST out of a dog, imo, a mix of leash walking, free running, mills, swimming (which is TOTALY underated!) flirt and spring poles, and more...more than that, these things help to build that 'bond' that so many dogs thrive on, and you will learns LOTS about your dogs, and how they act under different situations, thus making you a better dog man/woman....next you'll be hearing that rub downs are a waste of time, and you can get a dog in peak fitness feeding it kibble!..lol.

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after I get the kennell built its next on my list,a 2 dog walker,Im out every day with the dogs but a mill would be of great benefit also.I had 2,a few years ago when I kept bull terriers and a stupid day I sold them.My mate has one and the terriers are in excellent shape from both road work and the mill.

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