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dogs on tredmills

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Im not goping to go through all the drivel written by the keyboard experts ...but I have a treadmill for the dogs both terriers and lurchers and its a handy bit of kit which can be used for various reasons for keeping a bit of wind in a dog as you cannot always excercise your hounds for various reasons .injuries ,weather ,time ,bitches in season etc etc ..if used correctly it is a handy bit of kit and anything that keeps a dogs fitness ticking over cannot be bad

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Im not goping to go through all the drivel written by the keyboard experts ...but I have a treadmill for the dogs both terriers and lurchers and its a handy bit of kit which can be used for various r

One problem with that (It's how i thought it would work too) They are big machines, too big for the house, and you cannot just stick a dog on and leave it you have to be there.

Lots of advice from people who dont know much about treadmills and getting a dog fit imo....a slat or carpet mill can be a GREAT supplement to getting ANY working dog fit...you can also ruin a dog on

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Im not goping to go through all the drivel written by the keyboard experts ...but I have a treadmill for the dogs both terriers and lurchers and its a handy bit of kit which can be used for various reasons for keeping a bit of wind in a dog as you cannot always excercise your hounds for various reasons .injuries ,weather ,time ,bitches in season etc etc ..if used correctly it is a handy bit of kit and anything that keeps a dogs fitness ticking over cannot be bad

great things them treadmills, :laugh: save you pounds on boot leather


I agree with both posts haha .ATB Andy. ;)

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why not make a bigger hamster wheel,,,,what will a dog learn on a treadmill???? nothing,,,,will it help it turn ??? no,, will it help it strike???no ,,,,will it listen to commands ???no


so why use it ????,,,,a dog has to p'ss and sh't ,,,so u till have to go out with it ,,,,,so why bother,,,with treadmill ,,,,,did ya not watch rocky 4,,,,,,,, laugh.pnglaugh.pnglaugh.png

some coursing men use them whos got time to take a dog for 8 miles a day ?

You be surprised how far you can bike in an hour.... Iam lucky here i live right on the edge of the village so its a 1 min bike to the feilds/canal/fishing lake bit. Like i said im not saying nothing bad about mills i just never got on with them

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Nothing wrong with treadmills in my experience, I dont own one anymore, but have used them with various dogs back in the 90s, they can be used to get a dog really fit if used correctly as part of a training program and good diet. Most of the knockers have never used them and are too closed minded to try anything they dont understand. I wouldnt be looking to build a pups fitness on a treadmill or any other way for that matter, for me a pup just needs walking and socialising and training, obedience etc. Fitness can be worked on when the pup is physically mature, having said that it would benefit the pup to be placed on the treadmill for a few minutes every now and then just so he becomes familiar with it and wont be put off when the time is right to try him on it properly.

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