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dogs on tredmills

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Im not goping to go through all the drivel written by the keyboard experts ...but I have a treadmill for the dogs both terriers and lurchers and its a handy bit of kit which can be used for various r

One problem with that (It's how i thought it would work too) They are big machines, too big for the house, and you cannot just stick a dog on and leave it you have to be there.

Lots of advice from people who dont know much about treadmills and getting a dog fit imo....a slat or carpet mill can be a GREAT supplement to getting ANY working dog fit...you can also ruin a dog on

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no its a proper dog one it says dog tredmill on it and i waalk my dog 2-3 hours a day im not that lazy

if your walking the dog for 2-3 hours a day hes having a nice amount of exercise. even better if the pups free running the whole time you are out.


i dont use the things myself, imo the whole point of owning the dog is to get out into the field and put the time into it yourself.

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ive got a lurcher pup he's six mounth and for christmas i got a tredmill i wonder how long he should be put on for and if i need to feed him more? advice would be much appreaciated.

send the pup back and get a hampster if you want to wach something on a treadmill :laugh:
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I use to own a greyhound tread mill but i very rarely used it, :no: it wasn't so much to get or keep my dogs fit, BUT for when i was unable to walk them due to bad health myself, :yes: how ever i did find it helpful in bringing a couple of my dogs back from injury when they weren't able to keep up with the healthier ones. ;) I sold it last year :cray: but i could of done with it recently over the Christmas period when i was in hospital and the other half was forced to walk the mutts every day in the shit weather we've been having, (he hates walking) :D At six months old mate i'd just stick to building a bond with your pup and walking him/her the good old fashion way. :thumbs:

Mine would do a 5 minute warm up,(walking) 10 minute ticking and then 5 minutes walking or cooling down, different speeds obviously in the size of the dogs. :yes: personally i'd flog it and invest in a mag box, you'll certainly get more use out of it..... :victory:









I gotta say, the dogs loved it though.... :boogy:

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Lots of advice from people who dont know much about treadmills and getting a dog fit imo....a slat or carpet mill can be a GREAT supplement to getting ANY working dog fit...you can also ruin a dog on one real easy as well,....it has NOWT to do with being lazy, and is a sign of people being closed minded...each to there own....some of the worlds finest canines are brought into peak fitness with the help of mills, but they are NOT a way of getting a dog fit buy themselves.

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Lots of advice from people who dont know much about treadmills and getting a dog fit imo....a slat or carpet mill can be a GREAT supplement to getting ANY working dog fit...you can also ruin a dog on one real easy as well,....it has NOWT to do with being lazy, and is a sign of people being closed minded...each to there own....some of the worlds finest canines are brought into peak fitness with the help of mills, but they are NOT a way of getting a dog fit buy themselves.

you ar correct ,but i see no benefit for a growing 6 month old pup ;)
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Lots of advice from people who dont know much about treadmills and getting a dog fit imo....a slat or carpet mill can be a GREAT supplement to getting ANY working dog fit...you can also ruin a dog on one real easy as well,....it has NOWT to do with being lazy, and is a sign of people being closed minded...each to there own....some of the worlds finest canines are brought into peak fitness with the help of mills, but they are NOT a way of getting a dog fit buy themselves.


Very true. :yes:

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yes ,,,,greyhound trainers use treedmills but the have 100,s off dogs to do in there puppy farms lol,,,,but there not hunting there dogs,,,,,,yes it does help ya on yer goal for peak fittness,,,but treadmills dont make dogs reach the peak,,,lol actaul running does


quick goal for ya ,,,,,if ya not got time for dogs,,,,find a hill run it up there for 20mins ,,,,it will do more for it than a hour on the treadmill,,,,,,and GUESS WHAT ,,,,might help toughen up the pads,,,,,somthing a treadmill will never do

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yes ,,,,greyhound trainers use treedmills but the have 100,s off dogs to do in there puppy farms lol,,,,but there not hunting there dogs,,,,,,yes it does help ya on yer goal for peak fittness,,,but treadmills dont make dogs reach the peak,,,lol actaul running does


quick goal for ya ,,,,,if ya not got time for dogs,,,,find a hill run it up there for 20mins ,,,,it will do more for it than a hour on the treadmill,,,,,,and GUESS WHAT ,,,,might help toughen up the pads,,,,,somthing a treadmill will never do


Was your reply aimed at anyone in particular whip x grey, or just your opinion on the subject :thumbs:

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