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Ratting With Lurchers

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used to take the girls wee brothers down to one of the farms i had with the lurchers. never had any massive bags but it kept them amused for an hour  

I use rats at a stage between rabbits and the Charlie give them good experience of encountering being bitten and how to respond, so when the times right they have the drill set in there heads even tho

I've always been the opposit Chris, i've always started mine on bunnys and always they've brought 'em back live, then when starting them on rats or anythin that bites back, they know the difference.

got a gsd who loves rats, he lays in the yard for hours just staring at them when they are around the shed until hes thinks there far enough away from safety then he rushes at them, seen him catch quite a few this way he seems hypnotised by them.. :thumbs:

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Right from what I can gather, I plugged the direct url into my browser, the image was shown..


I then tried to add the image to the forum, it showed as I'd already viewed the link and it was stored in my cache(memory)


I then never copied the second image code you posted but didn't put it in my browser, I just added it to the above post and got the photobicket bandwith exceeded...


Which basically means photobucket is preventing you linking your images with direct links to other sites unless you pay to go pro.. as thats what the thumbnail is showing..

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Thank you very much for trying Ian, is there anything i can do, surely they cannot force you to pay?

Why can some people see them and not others?


Not sure they may have photobucket accounts and be logged in possibly?

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very good topic this mate end of the shooting season we have a do with the terriers and lurchers my old bullx was very good at this as she was taller than the terriers and faster she was 9/10 the first dog there and instead of marking the holes she would wait by the holes with the smoke coming from them atb bog

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