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For the last 3 weeks I call in checking 2 litters of ferret kits that were deposited by some numb skull of a hunting person in a local pet shop.Well sadly today I was having a nose(as you do)to see how many were sold and still the lot of them were there,except now they are heading towards latching on to your fingers rather than the calm qualities they had when they first came in.Isnt it a shame to see ferrets turn into biters due to complete neglect.I then noticed their water bowl was full of straw and the kits were drinking the water from the centre of the bowl between the strands of straw.I mentioned the water needed to be replenished and got a glance from the assistant but not a comment.Next door to them were lizzards and on the other side were desert rats of some form,Im not usually one to get worked up over stuff but that pi++ed me right off today.And the price of these little savages.......40 euros each.I was told the breeder of these kits swapped them for a bag of dog meal,FFS I ask you :no:

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I have 2 hobs,thankfully I cant and wouldnt breed more ferrets.If I need one then buy in,less hassle and less worry.Shame to see this sort of stuff but I know it goes on everywhere.

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Its never going to sink in to these folk that breeding ferrets wont make you rich ,it means a shit load of work and feeding .


But two litters for a bag of dog food £6censored.gif


Edited to add whats the pet shop going to do with two litters of biting ferrets they cant sell ???.

Edited by The one
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FFS.. I had to PTS half a litter of savage little b*****ds I took in a few years back that hadn't been looked after properly by someone else.


They were of the same sort of stuff as those hobs you had off me Liam, so it was doubly upsetting having to do it knowing they would probably have made good workers.. :(

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Shouldn,t be sold in pet shops imo, encourages folks to impulse buy and then they come on here asking "what div a feed ma ferret?", "what colour is ma fert?", "whys ma ferrets fanny awe swollen?" blah blah blah?????????

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had a litter of 5 and one of 10 , and they were sold before they were born !!! ( some sold for 20 euro and some i gave away to good working home ! )

i have kept and workt ferrets from when i was about 11 years old , i had my firs litter about 2 years ago and im 28 years old now !!! ( that are 15 years of experience before I got my first litter bred !!! )

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FFS.. I had to PTS half a litter of savage little b*****ds I took in a few years back that hadn't been looked after properly by someone else.


They were of the same sort of stuff as those hobs you had off me Liam, so it was doubly upsetting having to do it knowing they would probably have made good workers.. :(

why put them to sleep??? with a couple of weeks of handling they would be fine!

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FFS.. I had to PTS half a litter of savage little b*****ds I took in a few years back that hadn't been looked after properly by someone else.


They were of the same sort of stuff as those hobs you had off me Liam, so it was doubly upsetting having to do it knowing they would probably have made good workers.. :(

why put them to sleep??? with a couple of weeks of handling they would be fine!



Not having a dig Rob, but how can you tell me "with a couple of weeks handling everything would have fine" over the 'net with no knowledge of the litter & how things were?


They were half starved, constantly competing for any food & had had very little handling when I came by them at about 8 weeks of age. It was that bad they all latched on to my fingers every time I fed them in their haste to get at the food. Even if they were full of grub, the mentality was still there to grab any food and hide it away. I persevered with them for a month, as well as looking after the litter I bred. In the end I came to the difficult conclusion that these 5 ferrets were beyond my help and took the necessary measures. It really upset me having to do what I did because it was no fault of theirs they ended up in such a state and for it they paid the ultimate price. :yes::thumbs:

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I had a similar experience: stupidly waited until the hob I'd chosen from a friend of a friend's litter was about 16 weeks of age: what I didn't know was that the bloke never handled his ferrets, apart from to grab them with gloves on to move them from one hutch to another in the very rare event he actually cleaned them out. I struggled with this ferret for nearly a year but he never came right: fear bit every time you picked him up for at least 6 months, and even afterwards, could never be worked because he was so spooky every time he came out of a hole that he'd just latch on to the nearest thing: usually a hand. A classic case of not enough socialisation and handling at the right age: just like puppies, but worse. :thumbdown: :thumbdown:

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Well I wont entertain a biting ferret.If someone else wants to spend their time trying to calm them down then go right ahead,me,well i just move on to a litter thats quiet and calm.I never breed ferrets as its hobs I keep.Its much easier for a breeder to do the ground work and then pay for the kit I choose.Plenty of handeling from me after that and good grub,jobs oxo.

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my ferrets were off a freind that literally held them the second they were born, he was there with the jill when she was giving birth and he was holding one kit while another popped out. now the kits cant be handled enough, they run up to the front of the cage and when i open the door they jump on my knee to be stroked. even wehn i feed them fresh rabbit they will run to put it in a corner they run back eager to not lose a second of being stroked eating. and he had 24 kits! but the moral of the story was that he was prepared to handle each and every kit and make it so tame and freindly, even with that amount. this is whaty you need to do to produce freindly kits! just my opinion :thumbs:

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