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Jill in season already

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Noticed today one of my 4 jills is in season already! is anyone elses yet? the main problem is there all in together and that includes a hob, i know hobs have a season when there balls drop, so will he not want to breed with her till his do?

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It would be good to remove the hob mate. If the jill is in season he will just keep raping her over and over for days. A male ferret is an agressive little sod when having his wicked way, he will grab hold of the back of her neck and drag her around and generally beat her about. When i breed i put the hob in with the jill in the morning and take him out that evening. You can always tell if they have done it by the state of the neck. There will be a certain amount of blood and it will be damp from his saliva. Also there will be bruising which you wont be able to see due to the jills fur. A mated jills fanny goes back to normal size and she stops giving off the "f**k me" pheramones after 4 or 5 days, sometimes a week. Imagine the damage and pain the hob will of done in this time to her neck.

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Separate them any way , when you do breed them its easier to work out when the kits are due , a rough guide for you is 35 days after breeding clean cage spotless and give the jill fresh bedding , 42 days after breeding kits should arrive ,.

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