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My Boys, what type are they? are they too big?

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They are quite Fat arn't they!!


I don't even feed them excessivly! I think they're eating there bedding or the cage, or something Fat blighter's!


Well I fed them alot of bloody expensive Pate' today whilst trying to train them to a whistle! Didn't go so well as by the time i whistled him too me he had nabbed it from and ran under the shed! Cheeky Minxs!



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Are they this years kits? if so they will lose weight and slim down over the winter and look sleeker come spring :thumbs:

Y.I.S Leeview


I've noticed that with mine too. In their first year they get to be right bunters, lose it when mating season comes in, then even out nicely once it's over.

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I have a couple of ferts that size, although they are alot older, they bolt rabbits lovely and don't kill underground, its always great to ask advice, but take every answer with a pinch of salt, ALL FERTS ARE DIFFERENT, take yours out, try them on small warrens and see for yourself, what your ferts are capable of, rather than limiting them to a life stuck in a cage, just because someone told you they were too big and would kill under :hmm:


also, sounds like your feeding them way too many treats, more like fluffy pet ferret keepers, they can be workers, and still be pets, stop the "liver pate" and get them on raw rabbit, or raw chicken legs/wings from the super market, say one chicken leg each per day, they wont starve to death, although ferts will look fatter in winter due to the thicker coat


small jills are great, they are fast underground, but sometimes, rabbits wont bolt for them either, depends how much noise you have made above ground before entering them, so unless your going to be putting 3 to 4 jills into a warren to cause a rabbit freanzy, sometimes rabbits will just run circles underground for a single jill, remember, they know the warren they live in, better than the fert, but enter one or two big ferts, and they think f**k RUN!!!

ive had this happen on quite a few occassions.

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