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i was talking to a chap at a terrier an lurcher meet on sunday , and he said someone told him that there are wallabies in this country , now i dont get out much so was wondering if this was true , and are they protected etc , etc , bla bla .............. and where ???

Edited by MR POACH
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A few escaped from Lenardslee gardens near here after the 1987 storm. There were a fair number about a few years back, used the wreck the pheasant feeders, but i dont know if they are still around :hmm:

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It would be illegal to hunt them i believe.....Leave them be..... :good:


the derbyshire colony has long since been wiped out. In the Uk they favour dense willow and scrub and if it is marshy then alls the better. They eat vegetation but are very noctural in their habits.


The odd escapee crops up from time to time, but there are not many true self-sustaining populations in the UK....JD

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It would be illegal to hunt them i believe.....Leave them be..... :good:


the derbyshire colony has long since been wiped out. In the Uk they favour dense willow and scrub and if it is marshy then alls the better. They eat vegetation but are very noctural in their habits.


The odd escapee crops up from time to time, but there are not many true self-sustaining populations in the UK....JD


I agree with not hunting them, it's not as if they are numerous in number enough to warrant it, but the wording on the hunting act makes it illegal to hunt any wild mammal with dogs, aside from the exceptions. Thing is, as we all know wallabies are not mammals, they're marsupials...


Just for arguments sake! :D

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