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Everything posted by Joe1888

  1. haha, she done very well.. for a second i thought i seen jamesie cotter in the crowd while she was talking
  2. full video at The UK is part of the EU, an independant Scotland isn't and they are gonna have you, you watch. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2740829/Independent-Scotland-NOT-able-join-EU-using-pound-warns-Brussels-economy-chief.html do you know who juncker is? full video at The UK is part of the EU, an independant Scotland isn't and they are gonna have you, you watch. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2740829/Independent-Scotland-NOT-able-join-EU-using-pound-warns-Brussels-economy-chief.html have a
  3. we have two cats in the hoose aswell as two lurchers, its taken abit time for the them all to get confident around each other but its finaly happened ( just aswell or me and dugs would be chucked out ) still taking abit getting used to leaving the house with dugs and the cats tag along.. its strange, if the oldest dug sees another cat she would be after it yet doesnt mind these two.. anyone else with cats like a good walk lol
  4. crazy amount being spent in this window... i hope to f**k celtic bring in some decent players
  5. go on mate, whats a few nettle stings
  6. you thinking about the ones forsale in yorkshire?
  7. it depends how you look at it, the first was close, the second was win 71% to salmond.. darling has now refussed to do anymore debates, theres also talk of him being removed as leader of no.. here is a good break down of darlings points,ill add one here, the rest are in detail on the website( image is related to quote below) a very good read http://wildernessofpeace.wordpress.com/2014/08/26/48-lies/#more-440
  8. welcome https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i2A6DcZteCU
  9. if you seen and heard the talks from 16 year olds you might change mind, last time i seen, 16 year olds favour no vote....
  10. thats what i dont get, ive seen the no signs in fields down borders... as it stands the uk gov has kept millions the eu gave to scottish farmers.. i think its the real land owners who have the banners in fields.. many estates up here are owned down south id like to go back to someone elses point about scotland in the eu after yes, i thought what i replied was clear and now its clear scotland would be in the eu after a yes vote.. since then, more information is available dr nicolar levrat, head of the institute of global studies at the uni of geneva has dismissed claims sco
  11. if all yoru bothered about is salmon, vote yes... some of the snp will probaly break away you and northen are good guys, ofcourse your scots but every post i see its about salmon or the snp.. give some good reasons for a no vote, provide a positive case to stay part of the uk, something no have failed to do so far
  12. awaits being slated lol threat level with a certin vote very close, lets announce an attack... hmmm
  13. i dont northen, why i said it will be close.. there are some rangers yes supporters lol, https://www.(!64.56:886/pages/Rangers-Fans-For-Independence/496385913730588
  14. maybe not for a 2002, how bad is it? maybe a basic clean will do, save yourself £50
  15. you underestimate the support yes has up here.. either way, it will be close
  16. more badgers than rabbits out the night

  17. had a search on that, aye your right, similar to this
  18. they tryed to keep his visit secret.. anyway, its good to see its not going to run out tomorrow like some want us to believe now, like the 70's( mccrone report) and this tech could lead to unlocking billions of barrels.
  19. vote "yes" sorry wrong thread you seen the light mate
  20. i was looking for more info on this, as it was going about.. found more its hard to believe when we keep getting told its about to run out then we see stuff like this the field is expecting to start up in 2016 with production growing over 4 years to more 100,000 barrels of oil per day. new tech could lead to more oil, we cant get to at moment. good vid at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TN7nvWvPWro
  21. haha, ofcourse, you got my point though...
  22. ive met some good muslims, some good scots, some good english,welsh and irish... a few c**ts aswell... good and bad everywhere, easy to tar everyone with same brush
  23. example how currupt uk gov/westminister is
  24. could be right mate, would be ideal for the cows. would you put a ferret in there? few more, some of the pup dean. had to cut one of his nails right back few days ago, damaged it on crate.. a wee bit blood and pain for a second, after that hes been sound. healing up well.
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