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Everything posted by Joe1888

  1. If we have full powers, we can improve job opportunities for the 30,000 young people who leave scotland each year for work, focuss keeping scots would be a start. Then i see no reason for the cream of the countries mentioned wanting to work in scotland.. You think we only have oil? George osborne said if scotland got the choice to vote inward investment would drop in scotland ( another scare story) , after london, scotland got the highest levels up on the previous year.. its also a fact that inward investment in new independent countries has been high.
  2. People at the lower end of the ladder will get fairer deal, a more fair country
  3. brigzy. do you have a vote? i cant argue/debate with people who dont have a vote and are dead cert scotland is too wee to poor[/quote Where on earth have I said Scotland is "too wee to poor" ? Don't be like Salmond and make things up ! I'm English, and I think if something as big as the break up of the United Kingdom is to be voted for, then I think we ALL should have a vote. I have Scottish relatives, friends and acquaintances , and I hope to god they know all the facts and vote with both their heads AND their hearts, and aren't taken in by the false promises of people like you and Sal
  4. this is the internet, your a bad man....
  5. brigzy,max,rag,northen read the following, what would you do? "Imagine Scotland was already independent and we were about to have a referendum on whether to join a union with the rest of the UK. Could the Pro-union side convince us that getting together would be better when we were told what would happen to Scotland after such a union? Some bullet points from the campaign… -Your main Parliament will move 600 miles away, and your MPs will be in a tiny minority & will therefore have limited ability to effect policy on your behalf -Scotland will get a government it didn’t vote for. -
  6. yes mate, theres massive support each day.. it really looks possible..
  7. we will have who we vote for mate, each and everytime, working in our interests, have to pick best of a bad bunch lol. if things were improved would you vote yes if could? theres basic day to day stuff alot of us use thats at risk, we can keep what we have and improve on it with a yes vote!
  8. brigzy. do you have a vote? i cant argue/debate with people who dont have a vote and are dead cert scotland is too wee to poor
  9. once they start doing jobs cheaper as they are doing already think you might care maybe not your line of work but there fecking up the building trade which is mine and many more northen, you main reasons for voting no... give me something positive for staying part of the uk
  10. SHITE!! do you still think uk subsidises scotland? scotland doesnt have the immigration problem uk has... at the moment people come over to uni then are sent packing ( am sure) no harm in them staying if they will contribute... not long to go http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dbW_AT64m8E 240,000 immigrants a year, Salmonds own words if the snp are voted in after a yes vote... theres alot of talk about support for labour for indy after yes... the labour of old for the working man
  11. the bigger picture is the uk is broke, has been for a long time. time for change, time to learn from mistakes, time to put scotland first lets be clear the scottish gov wants to put in place a immigration policy that helps tackle skills shortages and jobs filled... it wont just open the gates to everyone, uni places droped because of westminister, if the snp are voted in after yes then they will still have things in place to tackle immigration, just handle it different from uk.. as we dont have the same problem!!!! how about something positive to stay in the uk, not another scare st
  12. if they can contribute i dont care, those who come over and do well in our unis are a good start.. if one was saving a family members life in hospital would you mind?? how many scots have to leave to find work, some because of westminister?
  13. i didnt know you were scottish mate... thats your choice not many scots support ukip, a party that wants to take power from scotland..
  14. 7-8 million is shite... am sure the number the snp talk about is well stated... anyway, after a yes vote.. we might have labour or another party, the fact is.. we will get who we want each and everytime, making sure the country is run in scotlands interests, not westminister/south england everyday its looking like a yes vote is more possible! the country is listening
  15. Did anyone see all those Muslims with placards saying Scottish Muslims Vote Yes mmm Ask yourselfs why folks Divide and Conquor Think Hard and Vote well No Second chances here our Scottish Brethren. lol, cmon mate... the ukip pish doesnt wash i wont tar everyone with the same brush, ive met a few good muslims. scotland will do well on its own, no doubt... scothunter get your money ready
  16. SHITE!! do you still think uk subsidises scotland? scotland doesnt have the immigration problem uk has... at the moment people come over to uni then are sent packing ( am sure) no harm in them staying if they will contribute... not long to go http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dbW_AT64m8E
  17. ive not read that, Facts are here:
  18. Do you think any of that pish makes us feart to vote yes, me dont think so.Not long now and we will see. I used to think, as an Englishman, it would make no difference to me how Scotland voted. But now, after studying the facts and figures, it makes sense for me to have a "yes" vote. If the savings to rUK are passed on to the people, we should be better off; but I won't hold my breath for any savings being passed on to the ordinary citizens of rUK.another peice of bullshit we give more in tax than wee get back fact.List the savings the ruk will make. We ALL give more in tax than we get back
  19. i got this one from a friend, this guys prices seem fair https://www.(!64.56:886/colinstrapsmadetocatch
  20. i want to share this with yous, its not from me but i thought its that good id share it
  21. no experience using live traps, picked up one he other day for my permission, hoping to get a few more... these should do the job if this has been covered a hundred times i apologise . whats the best bait to use inside a live trap for catching rabbits?
  22. Good news on oil for those interested, tech moving on could lead to alot more oil/money- 10-20 year could see another oil boom.. The report, commissioned by Oil and Gas People, the world’s largest oil and has industry jobs board, with support from North Sea oil and gas industry experts, conclude that untapped oil and gas in the West Coast alone will last for at least 100 years, with a whole value of more than £1 trillion.
  23. she done well, won that debate easy... just what yes were looking for, non politician showing politician how its done
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