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About MAG1980

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    Born Hunter

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    A love of the country side and wildlife in general,also enjoy fishing,Moletrapping,ferreting,Air rifles when i can get the time.
    And going for a good mooch abooot with the derg!

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  1. Regards trapping mole's in "area's that lead to water sources" Worms like abit moisture as you'll all know, come the dryer months they go further down & the mole's follow. So it makes perfect sense to target these moisture areas that are fertile in worms
  2. I've had similar incidents also, one in particular which had me raging.. was a retired gentleman who used to be an engineer ring me up and asked if I would call around as he said he had lots of moles in his rather large garden. It was like the Spanish inquisition with him firing question after question about trap type, location etc.. basically he was wanting to know how to do it himself. After I explained to him I wasn't an advisor and told him my price for clearing his garden he cut me off.. in his own words said to me "im an engineer by trade (groan)I think I can handle it myself than
  3. MAG1980

    Toon Army

    Kettle? Pot? Max? ring any bells, lol. Bit different this time around now ehh?! Hmmmm gravy indeed. No manager will want to take on the likes of,sorry correction make that no manager with real crudentials will even look at you's..... you's havent a chance in hell of coming back up 1st time then its cherrio championship, hello leauge 1 ...what a shame ? Then there'll be even more empty pink seats & tiny tears.
  4. A caught a weasel just like that darrenin your picture! It was a couple years back on a local perm mate, in exact same trap.thought i'd got lucky when a seen a flash of white thinking it was a albino... had plenty voles in putanges & field mice too. Them weasels definately frequent runs lookin for easy pickings im sure of it " had plenty voles in putanges & field mice too.",.....?,.....handy to know that, ..just another reason, for me not to use that 'french' trap ! Thats a no-mol trap I hold a few to use when I break into a three way, or in areas with heavy public access,never tried
  5. A caught a weasel just like that darrenin your picture! It was a couple years back on a local perm mate, in exact same trap.thought i'd got lucky when a seen a flash of white thinking it was a albino... had plenty voles in putanges & field mice too. Them weasels definately frequent runs lookin for easy pickings im sure of it.
  6. Try cutting the top 1/4 off a 4 pint milk carton or the bottom section either ither obviously a hole has to be made if using that and it does as a make shift tunnel baffle place at entrance, its worked for me on various trap set ups.
  7. Not a botha lad....yeah there's a lot good guys on here, that have helped me out on various things in the past and present I was'nt trying to be funny btw about the traplines... just my opinion & experience of them. I know there's alot a lads on here who do use them and catch well with them...different horses & all that. I just reckon those two i mentioned are pretty solid traps to get on with but like everything its trial and error really. if ya needing pointers drop us a pm or im sure plenty on here dont mind offering some advice to ya. Cheers Mick
  8. Best tip for traplines mate is save your self any greif and cash and look at maybe getting your self a talpex or two and /or some decent half barrel traps off flatt pack and then have a shifty threw the older posts on here.best advice a can give ya!
  9. On the minus side, side The gape of the jaws seems quite small. I measured it against the shoulders of a big boar and couldn't see how the animal could fit through it !?? It amazes me the gaps that they can riggle or squeeze through,like through tree roots and very stoney soil . They twist & manuver themselves about as the search tight or narrow runs and galleries daily so dont be surprised to see moles caught on there sides alot with putanges some certainly have to be seen to be believed.
  10. Earth-thrower i dont know if its my eyes but in the pic showing the wooden barrel trap (last pic) what is the dohnut shaped object? Is it an improvised mumble pin of some-sort you've used? Aye, its the 'trigger'. Ive heard it referred too, as a, "roundy peg" ? Ahh thats interesting mate,never heard of using a round peg i thought it was just a Y shaped peg you used. Ive been after a homemade barrel trap/ gas pipe type for a while. ive tried to make them but failed.if anyone has any or knows someone who i could contact to buy some i'd be very grateful if they could drop me a pm. Ch
  11. Earth-thrower i dont know if its my eyes but in the pic showing the wooden barrel trap (last pic) what is the dohnut shaped object? Is it an improvised mumble pin of some-sort you've used?
  12. As mentioned from the above posts there are a loads of ways to mark trap sites but you should always check who's around before setting and laying traps. You never know who's watching you.... kids if they see/find them, will usually destroy them . Dog walkers are another pest as they inevitably are do gooders or antis and have been known to call the police, i kid you not! (Happened to a mate).treat everyone as a suspect
  13. I agree with the above statements.you can watch ,read as much as you want about trapping moles and have all the gear. But it doesnt mean squat unless you have have some instinct and experience that said im always learning and would be first to admit so. As for giving alittle advice in any business in life you will come up against competition thats just the way it is . Its the same for all businesses and if your worried about a internet forum you've got to much time on your hands.
  14. As the title says clives followed on with his 2nd video on putanges on youtube,anyone who has not tried them yet will find it interesting.
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