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jukel123 last won the day on July 2

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7,355 Excellent

About jukel123

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    Extreme Hunter

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    Floating like a butterfly.

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  1. Me too whisky. Bad for my brain...firewater. Bad for my guts....skits. Bad for my brain..feel like death next day. Never touched it since I was a kid.
  2. The family of the lad who was kicked are appealing for calm. That's a bit rich considering members of their family had been kicking off in an airport. They also claim the same lad has a cyst on his brain. I've checked on Dr Google and brain cysts take many years to develop. They do not arise overnight Ker ching.
  3. Hi mate, I've had a couple of pops at you in fun recently. Only cos I know you will take it in good part. No badness intended at all mate. Always enjoy your posts. 

  4. Does the orangeman have much of the black vote? Did he give African American voters anything in his first tenure? Will Kamala Harris take the majority of the black vote? Genuine questions. I don't know the answers.
  5. She's not bad looking that bigfoot. I'm sure somebody on here could copulate with her. Maybe they already have and the baby was known as Mc Hull.
  6. Women who laugh in my face when I show them my prized penis. Women who laugh when I apologise when I I take a blue pill. Women who say:" is that f****n it?" After what I consider a stallion's performance. Women who yawn when I am really getting into it. Women who say " not f****n again" when I need a pee. Women who don't try and hide the defibrillator they have brought with them. The list is endless.
  7. When will you learn? You'll never see her again. Check to see if anything is missing mate. Lol
  8. The Vessel entitled SS Dementia has already sailed in your case mate. I have my cabin booked for the next sailing.
  9. A former chief super with the met, a Mr Babu, has concluded the officers actions were "racist". He must have conducted his own review, interviewed all witnesses and formed a rational conclusion Lol. Did Mr Babu take into consideration that the officer was armed and fearful of having his gun taken from him in an airport of all places? Did he consider whether the officer was fearful that the incident was terror related and that many recent terrorism incidents have involved brown skinned Muslims? Did he take into account that 3 of the officer's colleagues had been assaulted and taken to
  10. I am the last token leftie to survive. Wolfdog and me are blood brothers. Both minority presences. I think the tory blue rinse ladies who read the Daily Mail will also be tutting over their All Bran when they read the article. They love that terrible holy joy they feel when they read about a tragedy, animal cruelty or a cop doing something naughty on camera. Why is it even news? Somebody said journalists are people who sort the wheat from the chaff and print the chaff.
  11. It's one of those weird British things. We are all supposed to be outraged, horrified shocked, livid that one of our wonderful British bobbies could behave like that. Do us a favour, kid was doing his job.
  12. Conversion therapy. A kick every time he refuses to recognise Jesus.
  13. I'm not a great admirer of the police. They often tell lies in order to gain a successful,prosecution. The behaviour that the young cop exhibited in that video was pretty standard if you fell foul of the police in the fifties and sixties. For a good proportion, the uniform gave them free licence to hand out hidings dependent on their mood. Like most public services they have cleaned up their act in recent years. The boot that the prostrate prisoner received was delivered whilst the cop was stressed out, with adrenalin surging through his body. Its not really very shocking, perfectly
  14. I was at a football match on Saturday. Rangers v Man U. The blokes on the doors of the pubs near the ground were infinitely more professional than that shower. Even G4S, who get most things wrong, did a good job of stewarding inside and outside the ground. What did Victor say? Unbelievable!
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