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Everything posted by brazer

  1. Any news on macs dog? its sickening to a point were folk cant leave well alone the low life thieves. The thieves knew what they were going for.
  2. Time and patience spent with the pups brings them along nicely. the pups are looking good. there are some cracking pups iv seen on here over the months. Good luck with them. ATB
  3. squats the best thing for them Plenty of practice you will get KC when your squatting in the dykes
  4. Good read Fuji as always you're out there with them enjoying what you have pal. They are a credit to you. I tend to agree with you about not taking things too serious and just enjoy getting out. Always great pics too. Still like BOOTS though
  5. someone musta broke into my house borrowed my dog.
  6. is that the same kat that the Lucas dog lined? would i be correct in saying that baw is getting one of the pups????
  7. Read up on raspberry tea it is an ideal remedy for phantom pregnancies and tells when to give it to the bitch and how it works
  8. Rassberry tea is good but provided its given to the mother from the third week of gestation and a week after the birth, it not only eases the birth but it also enriches the milk. fennel tea is good for producing milk. I wish you all the best and hope all comes good for both mother and pups
  9. How are the pups and mother weasel?
  10. The mothers milk carries antibodies to help protect the pups immune system it's called passive immunity and its passed to the pups from the first milk production by the mother. the milk is called colostrum and its a mix of protein, nutrients electrolytes and vitamins. This is important in new born as it helps the pups digestive system and enable them to fight of viruses and bacteria. The first 24 hours is vital that the pups feed and are one day old. after that the protection is gone. JMO seek advice from the vet
  11. A fishing topic comes to mind to me one throws the line, someone takes the bait and they are hooked keep up the good work lads
  12. I cant believe you got every f****r with that one desdamona he has them jumping through hoops
  13. your becoming an ass and i'm hitting a for yeah son, ffs get a grip Have you Irish lads a big nerve centre in Ireland because I think KC keeps hitting it. I thought the Irish are ment to have GSOH who said im irish
  14. your becoming an ass and i'm hitting a for yeah son, ffs get a grip Have you Irish lads a big nerve centre in Ireland because I think KC keeps hitting it. I thought the Irish are ment to have GSOH
  15. JMO if it was an abcess the dog would be in some sort of pain. the possibility is a reaction to something or other. good luck hope all is sorted soon
  16. Some spectacular views Fuji dogs enjoying aswell. they are looking good.
  17. every dog has its day Be gods dogs day soon you know it hendo do your hendo what my hendo
  18. every dog has its day Be gods dogs day soon
  19. There will be a new topic tomorrow night BM
  20. plenty good hares and good land here in ire, there might be 2 many gates for some dogs not in Clare you never left cork makatack you wouldnt know a dog if he bit you in the balls he has he was in the cross keys drinking with all the best coursing men from england and ireland. you must been doing an interview then yeh they was all asking how i become a god and have the best dogs in only 2 years You kept that shy
  21. That's a comp in it's self to see who fecks up the quickest
  22. bare with us theres a private meeting going on here around kings table like jesus and the disipules Are you Chairing this meeting T-King?
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