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Everything posted by nothernlite

  1. AYE THERE SHOWING THE HUNS JOE HAHAHAHA :boogy: :boogy: :boogy:
  2. :boogy: :boogy: :boogy: :boogy: :boogy:
  3. EVEN BETTER 4 NOW :boogy: :boogy: :boogy:
  4. AH WELL :boogy: :boogy: :boogy: :boogy:
  5. COME ON THE HUNS 2 0 now ha ha ha :boogy: :boogy: AWAY YOU BACK DOON TO ENGLAND WHERE YOU BELONG :feck:
  6. COME ON THE HUNS 2 0 now ha ha ha :boogy: :boogy:
  7. venision mates a butcher so any deer we shoot he makes lorne out of it instead of burgers and its great atb
  8. good luck with with her still getting your whippet in august ?
  9. sounds alrite good luck with the pup
  10. carpets tacked to the wall sound s good idea that would do your head in good luck atb
  11. cant say i dislike any they all have there purpose atb
  12. got to agree and disagree seen beddy xs do the same as bryn bird its just what your useing and how often there out and how much game you put in front of them any half decent x will do it not takeing anything away from bryn think he is a classy dog and dont understand why your not taking a pup from him atb
  13. if we all shyed away, we would never get any closer to gettin our rights back. Stick up for what u believe in. DO YOU REALLY THINK THEY R GOING TO BRING IT BACK IT DOESNT AFFECT SCOTLAND JUST DOON YOUR WAY AND WHOS TO SAY I HAVENT ATB AS p***y SAYS HMP BARRLINIE
  14. i like the we cluelite fits in your pocket nice we beam for the bunnys atb
  15. another pair of scruffy bas---ds
  16. Have i read that right what your wanting is another whippet other than what i said a greyhound or a whippet greyhound sire never read the title mate start saving up for vet bills the ones ive seen spend more time injured good luck
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