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About jporter

  • Rank
    Mega Hunter

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  • Gender
  • Location
    south wales
  • Interests
    lamping ferreting

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  1. Mine and my mate peter dogs last day of our 4 days of are hunting my mates on his way back to plymouth a happy good catch cor the 4 days http://s1155.photobucket.com/albums/p542/lurcherterrier1/?action=view&current=2012-09-03114341.jpg
  2. Thats going to leave his mum 4 5 weeks if [NO TEXT TALK] knows of any going south wales a
  3. Got my mate coming to wales from plymouth so be hunting from friday to sunday the weather for is cloydy and will be hunting in the day time with his terrier as well as lm amping will keep ya posted
  4. Im going to two of my farms if any young lads want to come along im near swansea
  5. Im going to have a look on two of my farms tonight just thought id offer someone iv got a car so not asking to be took out if anyone fancy it pm im in south wales not far from swansea
  6. I know he is doing really well he even suprised me couldnt be any happy
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