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About lurcherman01

  • Rank
    Born Hunter
  • Birthday 27/10/1957

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  1. cheers mate,15mnths old,saluki,minshaw,merl&eves in him mate...iv not rushed him,
  2. last photo was last night with 8,coming on nice an steady
  3. i reckon that needs a stich or 2 just to hold into place whilst it heals
  4. every run and turn is a learning curve for the young dogs...good luck mate
  5. cheers mike,like i said nice meeting you both,great to see dogs together and having a romp,the pups have turned out crackers,credit to you an snoopdog... as you know im dead chuffed with the way jip is coming on...that phone is better than my camera,lol..lovely picture... will meet up again in near future.cheers mike
  6. they both look well mike,your pup has come on a treat,very nice..
  7. im not rushing this dog, he has had a few rabbits and one long ear, shot and retrieved. its going to be his first lamping seasom this year and it will be a light one. he is standing at twenty five and three quarters to the shoulder. yes he is a strong dog and he has a good motor and plenty of wind.
  8. i have mate,razor is the father to my pup,and bitza is his mum....just trying to get some upto date pics on my gallery first,but your welcome to have a look at the ones when he was younger,jip is now coming upto 13mnth old..have a look at my gallery
  9. yet the question has not been answerd...what breeding is in the minshaw.as my pup greatgrand mother was minshaw
  10. she looks handy mate.all the best with her
  11. tommy c.this is a pup out of razor,not a good photo of him there,but coming up for ten mnths old now,il try and put a decent picture on,so makes your dog his uncle
  12. ive not heard about it in dogs,but seen loads on the farm,it didnt affect the animals,not only that as soon as they got to slaughter wieght they were gone,so these animals were young when gone,i dont know how it would affect an animal once it matured.....
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