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About Brian-911

  • Rank
    Extreme Hunter
  • Birthday 17/11/1984

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    Where all the best cider is

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  1. Neither did I but...you can see the hair coming out of her. Give her another month then I'll strip her out
  2. No she's kept out, if you smooth her you can see the hair coming out. Its not coming out massively
  3. My beddy x is moulting all ready, she's hairy as feck but it's Abit early for her to start shedding her coat is it not ??
  4. It's just too wet ATM has been for weeks now, pointless lamping fields that you need a canoe to get across dogs just slide all over the place ! Rubbish
  5. I regards to to the topic though I also had a dog that done this, never grew out of it so let her go. Hope yours does though
  6. Hahaha some people are so fecking serious, chill out ffs ! Jesus Christ it's a dropped rabbit ! Hardly crime of the century
  7. Would it not be easier to just put a photo of the dog on her ??? Also what size is she, kenneled or indoors? You got to put it all down pal
  8. Wasn't gonna post but being a barber by trade (bald one at that) I will say if it's thinning that much shave the shite off...nothing worse than a middle aged bloke trying to hold onto a bit of bum fluff on his noggin ! But also I do have a couple of blokes that come in who gave the regaine a go and I have to say I was amazed but it actually worked. I even told the guy when he'd just started using it to not bother and save his money, I Apologised 6 months later when he had noticeable more hair !! And yes I did try it myself but got bad headaches all day long so packed it in. I would recommend i
  9. Something dodgy with this fella me thinks
  10. Your asking about beddy x whippets in your other post....you have no idea what you want do you ? I'll say this though.... I wouldn't buy a dog judged alone on looks
  11. Yeah I know she will, I'm getting quite excited about getting her out now, after what we saw on our last outing ! Just not looking forward to lugging her over they gates mate WILL SHE NOT JUMP THEM ? No never taught her to jump
  12. Yeah I know she will, I'm getting quite excited about getting her out now, after what we saw on our last outing ! Just not looking forward to lugging her over they gates mate
  13. What if they were a nonce,, or had raped your mrs, daughter,,, or a million other things, if he was a dog thief then fare doos I say If he was nonce he wouldn't be getting a smack in the mouth that's for sure, c@@t wouldn't be breathing. But it's not it's over a stolen dog. Theres a time and a place for everything, and if there's children about its ain't the time !! It's nothing to do with the child, only assholes do things like that infront of kids !
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