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jamie mc

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Everything posted by jamie mc

  1. I know it will be like finding rocking horse shite this time of year but i will give it a go. Needing a 100% fox dog /bitch" working" money waiting.
  2. Hi looking for a set up for a pal money waiting.
  3. A good terrier will no if there is something at home and that will come with time no need to rush a young dog my bitch will not go to ground if there is nothing at home.atb Jamie.
  4. not be the first terrier man that's dug a rabbit.
  5. I know it's a long shot but rabbiting dog wanted must work the lamp and know it's job with trial money waiting.atb Jamie
  6. If I put It next to a hedge Will I be able to find it.
  7. Tried to use it on a old collar and it would not pick it up.
  8. Green is the best light green not the dark stuff fish it off the bottom as it works like a pop up. Ie floats.
  9. I don't no I can't see for those things hanging over my eye's
  10. There is a few reasons for why I do not like the bellman.one is no sound.two can not use on a old collar three the size of it. Not getting in a argument witch is better as their are lot's of threads on this particular subject but just the one I prefered.atb Jamie.
  11. The only thing that would happen if I got abducted is a probe in the arsenal gland.That's the only luck I have.
  12. Really,,,,I herd your mrs mention something about "my little pony"....... That's ok Tomo your Mrs keeps asking me to feed her pony.
  13. They're on about your ears.. That's just remembered me of the thing where I used to pull my pockets out when I was younger and say can you see my elephant
  14. And they keep saying I'm hung like a pit pony.wow
  15. Barryvox avalanche transceiver with the bellmen collar
  16. Or put a bit rope on his collar so you can pull it out
  17. Post locators the boy's would have had the skills to find a dog.But in this day and age there's no excuse for not having one it's the most important thing in my tool box expert from the dog of course.my advice is to find someone willing to show you Fox control because any one can put a dog in the ground it's knowing what to do when you get there.atb Jamie
  18. How stressful is moveing houses ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhr

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. jamie mc

      jamie mc

      It's a fooking nightmare.packing kids toys all day no wonder I've no money.

    3. Outlaw Pete

      Outlaw Pete

      Jamie; They do reckon it's right, tight, up there with divorce or the death of ye spouse, mate.


      Me? I'm a glutton. So, I went for EMMIGRATION, completely on my ownsome. Straight after a divorce.


      If I could have? I'd have thrown in the death of my recently ex f**king spouse too!


      The kunt!


    4. RubyTex


      Stressful as f**k, we've had 4 house moves in the last 7 years !!

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