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jamie mc

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About jamie mc

  • Rank
    Mega Hunter

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  1. I know it will be like finding rocking horse shite this time of year but i will give it a go. Needing a 100% fox dog /bitch" working" money waiting.
  2. Hi looking for a set up for a pal money waiting.
  3. A good terrier will no if there is something at home and that will come with time no need to rush a young dog my bitch will not go to ground if there is nothing at home.atb Jamie.
  4. not be the first terrier man that's dug a rabbit.
  5. I know it's a long shot but rabbiting dog wanted must work the lamp and know it's job with trial money waiting.atb Jamie
  6. If I put It next to a hedge Will I be able to find it.
  7. Tried to use it on a old collar and it would not pick it up.
  8. Green is the best light green not the dark stuff fish it off the bottom as it works like a pop up. Ie floats.
  9. I don't no I can't see for those things hanging over my eye's
  10. There is a few reasons for why I do not like the bellman.one is no sound.two can not use on a old collar three the size of it. Not getting in a argument witch is better as their are lot's of threads on this particular subject but just the one I prefered.atb Jamie.
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