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bigmac 97kt

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Everything posted by bigmac 97kt

  1. Got to the farm for 6pm and set up to zero the crow sport in at 28yards took the camera with me to night and did a little vid but not to shoor if it will come out or not.Ran out of jsb 15,89 so opted for rws super fields and was pleased with the groupings so i settled down for the crows to come in 20 mins went by and one landed so i whacked it and i took the photo where it fell.Nice head shot just got back in to the hiding place when a pigeon landed and i whacked it to another for the bag but it was just a young un.missed three more but it was me and not the gun just to eager to squeeze the tr
  2. YOUR WELCOME BUD just wish i could fit one to my crow sport :cray: atvbmac
  3. Cracking silencers iv got two one on the raider and one on little hunters ultra not only silent but look good to atvbmac
  4. Hi tom give darryl(marksman) a pm mate and get one of the twink silencers off him as iv got one on little hunters ultra and its unbelievably silent and for £45 delivered good value to atvbmac
  5. Nice one mate :thumbs: i love waking them crows :laugh: i find that i have better results when its windy and when i put my camo face net on and gloves keep at them atvbmac
  6. hi bud the scope is worth more than the rifle there ok for plinking but wud not use it for hunting my nephew had one my advice is save some more money up and buy some thing better atvbmac
  7. I shot one rabbit at 65 yards using jsb exact went down as it hit the kill zone but the pellet went strait thow and hit a fence post at a another 70 yards and when i had a look at the post it had gone in at quite a depth i was suprised at the power the pellet still had atvbmac
  8. Same here bud first time iv seen one like that so i skinned it and checked its liver and organs and the meat every thing looked ok :thumbs: atvbmac
  9. Been back out again to night one rabbit heart shot at 30 yards and as i was skinning the rabbit these landed about 25 yards hit one then the other one just sat there so took that one as well you can see when i skin the rabbit that the pellet went strait thou atvbmac
  10. You will not be disappointed with aether rifle,s tom both cracking guns the ultra is as accurate as eny pcp and the prow sport well you have seen what mine has dun love both of these guns atvbmac
  11. Going to try and get down and spend a day with you all so i may be there after all atvbmac
  12. WOW keep it up :thumbs: atvbmac
  13. It will never be for sale one of my mate,s keeps pestering me to sell him it so say,ed yes but i want£1000 for it he never asked again like you si i love the 97 and i thought i was good with the gun but health issues ment it was to heavy and pulls on my chest witch give,s me pains in my chest .But then come,s along the crow sport and now im in love so your right once again si its a keeper and a keeper for life when i do leave this planet it will be past on with the rest of my rifles to little hunter and the crow sport saga will continue in his hands. I use jsb exact 15,89 in the rifle and the
  14. Cracking vid lads would not expect eny thing less from you two atvbmac
  15. Thanks lads if i lived on the farm i would be at them every day :laugh: atvbmac
  16. Well lads not much but still left happy the rabbit is a bit bald first time iv seen this but when skinned the meat looks OK,here,s the photos atvbmac
  17. We all have made mistakes at some point in our sport some more than others if they would admit it but the main thing is he is ok i learned the hard way three and a half hour,s in surgery with a big hole in my hand. So it could of been a hell of a lot worse off just be thank full that he or no one els was hurt stop his pocket money until the barrel is payed for hitting him in the pocket will hurt him more than a bollocking even at his age atvbmac
  18. Want one,want one,want one but i wud not want to fire it just stand there and laugh at every one els fire it :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: atvbmac
  19. Cheer,s bud look good don't they :thumbs: atvbmac
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