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Everything posted by CWN-HELA

  1. Have you done a polecat be for?? I have a big dark hob in freezer that needs doing.
  2. Good day out R.A.W, how the young ones coming along?, I had a very good day my self sunday pups flying shame they had do go over so meany fences and rivers but they soon got him back to where we started he was seen by 3 lads when the hunt was on.CWN-HELA.
  3. Thanks mate any time, It was a great day out with the lads, hounds going well. There was some good views for you lads watching them hounds work going up the fells. Plenty of more places for you lads to go at. CWN-HELA
  4. It looks like the dog has a tracking collar on??
  5. I know mate, i was suppose to have a smiley face but i never worked. ??
  6. Cheers guys, i have some work to do, new bigger kennels with box profile roof.There is 6 pups there and the mother. They have a bigger leg than the beagle and lighter R A W, ?.
  7. The pups are doing great, coming on leap and bounds, this is a little clip of how they are doing. CWN-HELA http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QbLDoJMrNMw
  8. Any pics of black and tans.. my two harrier's dog and bitch.
  9. Looking good them R.A.W, Best of luck with them. CWN-HELA
  10. Your not out enough with your dogs.
  11. Tidy russell, good head on her. atb with the sale. CWN-HELA
  12. R.A.W they are coming on great, i hate leaving them in the kennel. CWN-HELA
  13. It was nice to hear them open up, i know what you mean by trying to get the phone out and then they have gone.lol. You wanna get it ready in your hand. CWN-HELA
  14. Nice ground to hunt ?. CWN-HELA
  15. On my last outing with the pups and the mother a few weeks back 3 pups ran with the mother for 20 min, going over a swollen river twice and broke out to another cover when i finally caught up with them, the mother was still going well in front and made her way back to where she started off... 1-11-03 took the pups and mother out, it was throwing it down with rain, as i was in a big cover it wasnt to bad. it didnt take them long they where all over the cover through the roden dendran going at a good speed, then bang the mother opens up, i could see all the pups running where she was then t
  16. Do i remove shoe lace and rub inn all over, including the gore tex?? I don't want to stop them from breathing. What about bee wax?? Thanks for your suggestions.
  17. I have a pair of lowas gtx, whats the best stuff to put on them to keep them water proof. Cwn-Hela
  18. They are expensive, there is bargains on ebay some times..the 1 i have now is ok, but has a small mouth pice.
  19. http://item.mobileweb.ebay.co.uk/viewitem?sbk=1&nav=SEARCH&itemId=121198218211 Would this one be a decenct one?? Cheers lads
  20. T C are they good one 2 have?? Ive seen this coat aswell. http://www.milkingmachines.co.uk/ecomon/se01-large.jpg
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