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Status Updates posted by StevoSmith

  1. -8 to -10 promised tonight...dunno if even the bunnies will entertain that drop in temp.....looks like i may well be staying in for few scoops instead

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. StevoSmith


      Lol was gunna do a wee bit of static shooting tonight at caravan park.....will still be in same fekin position in the morning like an ice cube lol

    3. GrCh


      no good for lamping either :(

    4. Kay


      its been that cold here all week wrap up & get out you girls..lol

  2. 'women...bottle of morgan spiced...steak...rugby on tv...cracking friday night methinks'

    1. Lab


      Morgans, blackcurrant and lemonade.....oh they were the days!!....lol

    2. StevoSmith


      lol...on second now :)

  3. 20 mins in....top gear is class

  4. 6 kids is a mission and a half.....thank god my new mrs is understanding lol

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. StevoSmith


      i also own 2 cats,a husky and a wolfdog........effin house full lol

    3. punner


      haha alls i say t my bird its beta than bein bored!!lol all in bed nw time for a beer!!

    4. StevoSmith


      mine to.......cept the dog who need to go out for a dump.....its been beer o'clock since 7pm lol

  5. 7 bugs in bag off new permission.....result!!!

  6. Aghhhh i hate cbeebies...think i will watch Prometheus Online whilst kids watch that horrible channel

    1. paulus


      saw that at the flicks yesterday, very good it is....lol

    2. MoChara


      I cant stand Mr. Tumble.. He is really annoying, good at his job but fecking irritating.

    3. StevoSmith


      Mr fekin maker does my head in lol

  7. Aghhhhh grrrrr...these fekin charlies are doing my head in now....wont come to the squeeler...wont fall for the live trap....dont help bloody farmer leaves dead lambs around for them to munch on...any idea's guys?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. StevoSmith


      Lol BH dunno if my 5 year old could handle a 410 hahahaha....looks like im gunna have to do a 24 hours stake out....seen dog fox the other night but he was to far from us we also seen 2 others last week again same prob and none of them even took intrest in squeeler

    3. rob190364


      probably a stupid suggestion but couldn't you smoke them out of the bails?

    4. StevoSmith


      I could but i would need a few guns round barn as there are many escape routes....also need to be aware of lifestock and farmer wants them all dead asap...i will try stakeout first i think spend good 24 hours in and around barn till i get the fkers

  8. All over daddy daycare after a few days or being layed off...this childcare lark is easy...dunno what all the fuss is about

  9. And we were singing hymns and arias, 'Land of my Fathers', 'Ar hyd y nos'.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Lab


      Well he's a chookter fae Aberdeen so he will be.....lol

      I might watch it mate...never get my head around the rules though!

    3. Malt


      He's spent most of his adult life on the west coast and Islands mate. Lives in Oban now. ;)

    4. Lab


      Oh so he's part Viking.....lol

  10. And we were singing hymns and arias, 'Land of my Fathers', 'Ar hyd y nos'.

  11. Another fox problem on one of my perms...irate farmer rang me last night said he seen one dragging lamb across yard....

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. StevoSmith


      no mate..3 scabby foxes

    3. StevoSmith


      yes Jo mate...same farm

    4. StevoSmith


      i know buddy..thanks anyway mate

  12. Anyone in Denbighshire want to lend me Earth dog for Monday?....desperate mesure cause for desperate means lol pm me and let me know

  13. As weather is gunna be nice tomoz i think i may sort garden out then sit in sun with few bevys

    1. snowman


      feck it i will do that aswell maybe get the barbie out. dont mean my blow up doll her name is shiela lol

    2. paulus


      chuck another prawn on the barbie skip....lol

    3. bobcullen79


      Happy days.. Done the same today after getting back in with the harris.Looks like we got a sunny days bunny shooting in the morning too.

  14. Back out to the caravan park tonight to attack bugs again....we slowly making a dent in the population

  15. Bah..!! no shooting tonight...carnt go every evening i suppose

  16. BBQ tonight methinks

  17. Been out and scouted my new permission tonite well effin chuffed

    1. furgle


      Lucky you ;) I can't wait to get my first good bit :)

    2. kevin from bristol

      kevin from bristol

      i love it when a plan comes together haha

    3. hunter1989


      nice going stevo but leave some pigeons for when me and ste come up lol

  18. Beer,Rugby and my Women.....life is sweet.!

    1. tomano1


      Good to here mate mine has sorted it self out :)

  19. Best break out the carpentry tool and start building myself a fkin ark

    1. paulus


      make sure you use two by two....lol

  20. Best get me camo's on...off out for charlie and bunnie bash in a bit

    1. tb25


      no need for camo at night stevo lol,and leave them foxes be...lol

    2. StevoSmith


      Never lol.....i like playing army hahaha....on a serious note though my camos smell of the outdoors thats why i wear em

    3. StevoSmith


      Will try if my fkin mate ever gets here.....charlie and bugs will be in bed if he dont hurry the fk up lol

  21. Bit fooking cold today thats for sure

  22. Blanked last nite......windy as hell

  23. Bloody Malamute decided to start howling at 5am...whats a man gotta do to get a fkin lie in at the weekend ffs...On the plus side only 6 more hours till wales vs aus test

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. paulus


      good crack ratting we do abit with the hunting terrier lads on the estates after the shootings finished

    3. StevoSmith


      Just need to learn how to train it now for ratting....so if you can direct me to any good books and web sites i would be greatful mate

    4. paulus


      comes natural to them mate, just get it out there

  24. Bloody snow....there goes my hunting tonite :/

    1. whippetXgreyhound


      it is life [bANNED TEXT] i was but the ground is to hard

  25. Bloody wind put pay to my shooting session....not worth the risk in this wind

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